18 June 2018

Index of geographical-, burg- and tribal names

The greatest dilemma in translating the Oera Linda-book is how to deal with personal and geographical names. Sometimes it seems better to keep the original spelling, while at other times a more well known, modern spelling is more appropriate. Sometimes a name can be literally translated, as it is actually (also) a description. For these reasons, the following lists (personal names index in next blog post) are not to be considered absolute, complete or final. They may still be helpful though.

For chapter and paragraph division see here.

Note: in original spelling column, no distinction was made between A, Á, À / E, É / I, Í, J, Y and V, U, Û, Ü. Also, separating dots were left out.

translation original chapter/ paragraph
Adelings/ Adela Followers ADELLINGA/ ÁDELA FOL(LI)STAR 1a/ 13ac1/ 16b3c
Aken AKEN 1c/ 16b3
Alderga ALDE(R)GÁ 8ab1/ 9a2/ 11c/ 13e2/ 14ac/ 16b1-3
Aldergamouth – see Alderga

Aldland/ Atland ALDLAND/ ÁTLAND A/ 3c1/ 7b/ 8ab2-3/ 9a1/ 10a/ 11ab/ 14a/ 15b2
Alkmarum AL(I)KMÁRUM 13e2/ 14a
Allemanna ALLEMANNA 19f
Almanland ALMAN(A)LAND 4c1/ 8b3/ 10a
Angelara ANGELARA 7a
Athena ATHENJA 4e/ 9bc/ 10ab/ 14d1-2
Atland – see Aldland

Attica ATTIKA 9b
Balda/ Baltic Sea BALDA SÉ 16b1/ 19ce
Beachcombers – see Jutters

Britannia BRIT(T)ANJA 7a/ 8c/ 9a1-2-3/ 14d2/ 19be
Brokmen BROKMANNA 14f
Buda BVDA 1c
Coast-dwellers – see Kaedhomer

Creil Woods KRÍL(INGER) WALD 11c/ 19d
Crete/ Cretans KRÉTA// KRÉTAR 4c1e
Denmarks (or: low marks)/ Danes DEN(N)E/-A MARKA/ -UM// DÉNE/-A MARKAR 7a/ 8ab1-2/ 9a1/ 11abc/ 14ae/ 16b1-3/ 19cd
Distant-Greeklands – see Greeklands

Dokhem DOKHÉM 12
Druids – see Trowids

Ealands – see Sealands

Eamouth ÉMVDE/ -A 8b1/ 14c
East Fleeland – also see (West/ Southern) Fleeland(s) ÁSTFLÍLÁND 1c/ 8ab1
East Sea ASTER SÉ 7a
East-Skeanlanders ÁST SKÉNLANDAR 16c
Egmuda EGMVDA 19f
Egypt/ Egyptian(s) ÉGIPTALAND(-UM/-A/-E)// ÉGIPTISKA// ÉGIPTALANDAR 8ab2/ 9c/ 10b/ 14d2
Euphrates ÉUPHRAT 14d1
Finda/ Finda's Folk FINDA (LAND/ FOLK/ SLACHTA) 2bc2d/ 3c1/ 4c2-3e/ 5a2b2/ 6/ 7ab/ 8ab2/ 9b/ 13c2e2/ 15b2/ 16b3cd/ 19bc
Findasland FINDASLAND 8b3/ 15b2
Finns FINNA/ -UM (sing. FIN) 1b/ 6/ 8ab1-3/ 11abc/ 14f
Five Waters – see Punjab

Flee FLÍ 4e/ 13e2/ 16b1/ 19e
Flee Lake FLÍMAR(E) 8b3/ 9a1-2b/ 11c/ 14ac/ 16b2
Fleeburg FLÍBURCH 9a1-2
Fleeland – also see West, East and Southern Fleeland(s) FLÍLÁND 2c3/ 8b2
Fleemouth – see (mouth of the) Flee

Forana FORÁNA 1c/ 13e2/ 14b/ 19f
Franks FRANKA 16b3/ 19f (also see 19c)
Frees (or Franks) FRÍA 16b3
Frya(s)/ Frya's Folk etc. FRYA(S) (FOLK/ BERN/ BÀRN) B/ 1b/ 2abc2-3de1-2/ 3abc1-2-3/ 4bc1-2-3d/ 5a2b1-2c/ 6/ 8ab1/ 9a1-3bc/ 10ab/ 11abc/ 13b1-3c1-2de2/ 14abd1-2ef/ 15b1-2c/ 16ab1-2-3c/ 18/ 19abcdf
Fryasburg (incl. Old-/ New-) (ALD/ NY) FRYAS BURCH 1c/ 2a/ 8b3/ 10a/ 12/ 13e1-2/ 14a/ 16c
Fryasland FRYAS LAND/ LÔND 13b1/ 14ad1-2/ 16d
Gadir – see Kaedik

Ganges GONGGA 14d1/ 16d
Gedrosians (Gedrostne) GEDROSTNE 16d
Gerdmania/ Gerdman/ -men – also see New Gerdmania GÉRTMAN(N)JA// GÉRTMAN(N)(A) 9c/ 14cf/ 16b1-3d
Godaburg GODA (HIS) BURCH 8a/ 13b1
Gols GOLA/ -UM/ GVLUM 8c/ 9a1-3b/ 12/ 16b1-2c/ 19abcf
Gols' followers – see Gols

Greanega GRÉNEGÁ 12/ 19de
Greeklands/ Greeks (sometimes distinguished ‘near’and ‘distant’) KRÉKA/-E LANDA/ -UM// KRÉKALANDER/ -AR 4d/ 7a/ 8b3/ 9b/ 10ab/ 13e2/ 14cd1-2f/ 16b1/ 19b
Hals HALS 19cd
Helena followers HÉL(L)ÉN(J)A FOLGAR 14c/ 16c
Hellingers (Hellenes) HELLINGGAR 9b
Highmarks HÁGA MARKA 7a
Himalaya HIM(M)ELLÀJA 16d
Hindus HINDOS 16d
Holt-dwellers (in “Holt or Wood-dwellers”) HOLTSÁTA 7a
Ionians – see Jon's Islands

Ira ÍRA 16d
Jon's (Ionian) Islands J(H)ON HIS ÉLANDA/ -UM// JO(H)NJAR 9b/ 10a/ 14cd1-2f
Jutterland/ Jutters JUTTAR LÁND/ JUTTAR 7a/ 16b1/ 19de
Kaedhomer (coast-dwellers) KÁDHÉMAR 7a
Kaedik/ Gadir KÁDIK 8b2
Kashmir KASAMÍR 15b2
Kate's Gate KÁT (HI)S GAT 8b1/ 16b1
Katsburg KÁTS/ KATTA BURCH 1c/ 16b1-2
Kearenek (Kearenherne) KÉRENÀK (-HERNE) 9a3/ 19b
Kelta's Burg KÀLTAS BURCH 9a3
Keltic lands KÀLTANAR LANDUM 16b1
Kelts/ Kelta followers KÀLT(AN)A FOLGAR 9a3/ 16b1c/ 19b
Krékalanda – see Greeklands

Lake-dwellers/ Marsata MÁRSÁTA 7a/ 13e2/ 16b3
Land-dwellers LÁNDSÁTON 7a
Lets/ lefts LÉTNE 7a/ 16b1
Lindaheim LINDAHÉM 1c/ 4c1/ 16a
Lindasburg/ Lindasnose LINDAS BURCH/ NÔSE 13a/ 14e/ 16b1
Lindashores LINDA WRDA 1c/ 4c1/ 12/ 14a/ 16a
Lindasnose – see Lindasburg

Lindawards – see Lindashores

Lindawood LINDA WALD 13b2e1
Lithauers (Lithuanians) HLIT(H)HÁWAR 19cf
Liudburg LJVDBURCH 1c
Liudgarda LJVDGÁRDA/ -GÁRDNE 1c/ 13e1/ 14a/ 16a
Liudwerd LJUDWERD(E)/ -WARDJA/ LJUWERT/ -WRD A/ B/ 14a/ 16a/ 19d
Low Marks – see Denmarks

Lumkamakia LUMKAMÁKIA 8b1
Lyda/ Lyda's Folk LYDA(S FOLK/ BERN) 2bc1-2d/ 4c2/ 13e2/ 14b/ 15b2/ 16c/ 19b
Lydasburg LYDA ((HI)S) BURCH 13e2/ 14ab/ 16b3
Lydasland/ Lydia LYDA HIS LAND/ LYDJA 7a/ 8b3/ 9b
Magyars MAGÍARA/ -UM 1b/ 8ab1-3/ 9a1/ 13b2/ 16b1c/ 19cdf
Mannagardaforda/ Mannagardawaerda MANNAGARDAFORDA/ -WRDA 1c/ 13e2/ 16b2
Marsata – see Lake-dwellers

Massilia – see Missellia

Medea-mei-lakkia MÉDÉA MÉI LAKKIA 11c
Medeasblik MÉDÉAS BLIK 1bc/ 2a/ 8a/ 11c/ 15c
Middle Sea MIDDEL SÉ 7a/ 8b2-3c/ 9a3b/ 14d1/ 19be
Missellia (Massilia) MISSELLJA 8c/ 9a3/ 19b
Near-Greeklands – see Greeklands

Nef-Tunia NÉFTÜNJA 8b3
New Fryasburg – see Fryasburg

New Gerdmania – also see Gerdmania NY GÉRTMANJA 14d1
Northland/ Northmen – also see Skeanland(ers) NORTHLÁND// NORTHLJUD 14e
Old Fryasburg – see Fryasburg

Oryetten (Oritae) ORJETTEN 16d
Over-Scheldt/ the other side of the Scheldt – see Scheldt

Palmland PALMLAND 8c
Pang-ab – see Punjab

Phoenicia FH-/ PHONISJA 8c/ 19be
Phoenician coast PHONISIVS/ PHONISI HIS KÁD 8b3/ 14d1
Phoenician(s) F(H)-/ PHONISJAR 13b3/ 14d1-2/ 16a1/ 19b
Pirates' Islands RÁWER ÉLANDA 9b
Punjab (or: Five Waters) PANGAB (FIF WÉTRUM) 9c/ 14d1/ 16d
Red Sea RÁDE SÉ 9c/ 14d1
Rhine/ Rhine dwellers (H)RÉNE/-UM/-A// RÉNHÉMAR 7a/ 9a1/ 13b2de2/ 16b3/ 19cf
Rhodes HRODUS 14d2
Rome ROME 19b
Salamis SALÁMES 14d2
Sandfal SANDFAL 7a/ 9a1
Saxonmarks/ Saxman/ -men SAX(S)(A)N(N)A(R) MARKA/ -UM// SAX(ANA) MAN/-((N)A) 1c/ 7a/ 12/ 13b2e2/ 14ab/ 15a/ 16b1-2-3/ 19bcef
Scheldt SKELDA 7a/ 9a1-2/ 12/ 19acf
Seakampar (sea warriors) SÉKÀMPAR 7a/ 14e
Sealands/ Sealander(s) SÉLANDUM/ ÉLANDUM// SÉLANDAR 16b1
Seine SÉJENE 9a3/ 19e
Seven Islands SJVGON/-UN É-/ÀLANDA 1c/ 9a1/ 14c
Sidon SÍDON 8b3c
Skeanland/ Skeanlanders – also see Northland/ Northmen SKÉNLAND// SKÉNLANDAR/ -ER 8ab1/ 11a/ 13ab1e2/ 14e/ 16a1c/ 19e
Skelda – see Scheldt

Skots (tough) folk SKOTS(-E/-A) (FOLK) 19bf
Slavs (or slaves) SLÁVONA 19a
Southern Fleelands – also see (East/ West) Fleeland SÛDAR FLÍLÁNDA 1c
Staveren/ Stavia STÁV(E)RE(N)/ -ORA/ STÁVJA 1c/ 2ab2/ 8b2/ 11c/ 13de2/ 14bc/ 16b1-2-3/ 18/ 19acdf
Suobaland SVÔBALÁND 16b3
Swetsar (neighbors) SWETSAR 13e2
Tartars TARTARUM/ -A 16b3/ 19ac
Texland TEXLÁND 1c/ 2ac3/ 3a/ 4d/ 8a/ 9b/ 10a/ 11b/ 13b1e1/ 14abe/ 15a/ 16b1-3c/ 19ad
Thioth's Sons THJOTH HIS SVNA 19f
Toletmark TOLÉTMARK 8b3
Treasureburg WARABURCH 1c/ 6/ 8ab2/ 13e2
Trowids (Druids)/ Trowends (AN A) TROW (E)WÍD(EN)A/ TRJVWENDNE 8c/ 12
Troy TROJA/ -E 10a/ 19b
Twiskland(s)/ Twisk(land)ers TWISKLÁND(A)// TWISK(LÁND)AR 7ab/ 8a/ 13b1e2/ 15b1/ 16b3/ 18/ 19cf
Tyre/ Tyr's Burg/ Tyrians THÍR (H)IS (BURCH)// THÍRJAR 6/ 8b3/ 9a3bc/ 14d1
Upsalands VPSALÁNDUM 1b
Walhallagara WALHALLAGÁRA 1c/ 9a1/ 10a/ 14c/ 16b3
Weser WRSARA 1ab/ 12/ 13b1
West Fleeland – also see (East/ Southern) Fleeland(s) WEST FLÍLÁND 1c/ 8b3/ 14ab/ 16b3
Westland WESTLAND 7a
Wieringen WÍRINGGA 4c1/ 8b3
Wood-dwellers WODSÁTA 7a
Wralda's Sea WRALDAS SÉ 7a

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