24 March 2023

Oera Linda Wiki

New pages have recently been added to wiki.oeralinda.org, for example:

Go to 'recent changes' page to view more recent additions.

The best parts of this Fryskednis blog will move there.

Volunteers are welcome to help build the Oera Linda Wiki.
Please make contact through the Oera Linda Forum.

12 March 2023

Subtitled interview in two parts

Interview by Niels Lunsing and Merlyn van Dobben (Gletsjer Radio), in Dutch language, with subtitles in English and Dutch (German, Swedish and Danish to be added soon — credits to our volunteers!):

Part One about Oera Linda, in which some new information is revealed, not discussed earlier in interviews.

Part Two about Jan Ott, with more personal and 'unscientific' information.

I (JO) consider this recording the best thus far.