20 April 2016

HÉLÉNA BOK ~ book of healing/ repairing

I found one more example where Hans Olav Lien corrected all previous translations (that I know of). HÉLÉNA in the fragment below was always translated as a personal name, but the exact same word is used only once more, as a verb, meaning to heal/ repair/ make whole. The name Helena is never spelled like this. In the "writings of Hellenia" that follow, it is spelled HEL.LÉNJA.

[Ottema-Sandbach (1876), p.183]
het boek der zangen, het boek der verhalen en het Hellenia boek
the book of songs, the book of narratives, and the Hellenia book

from Physicas Hildegardis (1533),
the book of medical remedies
by Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)
Wirth (1933)
das Buch der Gesänge, das Buch der Erzählungen und das Helenja-Buch.

Overwijn (1951)
het liederenboek, het vertellingenboek en het Helleniaboek

Jensma (2006)
het boek van de zangen, van de vertellingen en het Helleniaboek*
(* in footnotes, Jensma theorises that "Hellenia" might refer to Nyhellenia, he does not think that it refers to the "SKRIFTA HEL.LÉNJA.S" that follow)

De Heer (2008)
het boek der gezangen, der vertellingen en het Helleniaboek

Raubenheimer (2011)
the book of songs, the book of tales, and the Helenia book

Menkens (2013)
das Buch der Gesänge, der Erzählungen und das Helenja-Buch

!!! Lien (2015)
Sangboka, Fortellings- og Lege boka (doctor's or healing book)

Other fragment with HÉLÉNA:
[Sandbach p.39]
Whenever in time of war either ships or houses are destroyed,
either by the enemy or as a matter of precaution,
a general levy shall be assessed on the people
to make it good [i.e. to repair it] again, so that no one
may neglect the general welfare to preserve his own interest.

Some related words:
JVW HÉLENA FJA - your healthy cattle
THA LÉTSA. THÀT IS THENE HÉLENER - the "létsa", that is the healer
HÉL ÀND BÉTER - whole (healthy) and better
SÉDKUNDA KRÛDKUNDA HÉLKUNDA - practice of ethics, herbs and healing
HÉL.HÛDIS - unscathed: with whole skin (Dutch: heelhuids)

In current related languages:
to heal - english
heilen - german
helen - dutch
hielje, heelje - frisian
helbrede - norse, danish

In memory of Hans Olav Lien

(copied from Facebook page)
Hans Olav Lien was a Norwegian Oera Linda researcher and translator. He participated (as ‘Apol’) in the discussion on Unexplained Mysteries and had a great website, which is currently offline.

According to a message from his family, Hans Olav (born 1954) died on March 6th, suddenly and unexpectedly, aged 61.

Although I never met Hans Olav in person, it felt like he was a friend and the news of his death has made me sad. We have corresponded about our shared fascination, until two weeks before he died, and he translated my video about Oera Linda into Norwegian.

I hope his family will make his website available again, because he devoted a considerable part of his life to it and it is of great value.

Through web.archive.org, the introduction of his website can still be recovered. I copied it below. His Norse translation is [since Aug. 2024 available on wiki.oeralinda.org.]

Hans Olav, thank you for all the great work you did.

Hans Olav's reconstruction of the Burg Ljudgárda as described by Apollánja (p.106-108)
~ ~ ~

From Hans Olav's website (oeralindabook.com) which included a transliteration, a Norse and an English translation:

The Oera Linda Book
is one of the strangest manuscripts in existence. It came to light in The Netherlands in 1867, when shipwright Cornelis Over de Linden in Enkhuizen presented it to the public for the first time – in Leeuwarden in the province of Friesland.
The manuscript was put down in a time when there in North Europe shouldn’t even have existed any written language, and the alphabet in which it is written had never been seen before by anyone in modern times – though it bears some resemblance to the alphabet we use today.
The 186 page-long manuscript present to us outlines of European history from a time so remote that we know almost nothing about it, other than through archaeological finds, DNA, and a few references by Greek writers of antiquity. Today one regards North Europe as having been a quite unimportant outpost in the Bronze and Iron Ages. Here, however, we are getting to know that today’s Netherlands was the administrative, cultural, and religious center of Europe ever since before 2193 BC, when a vast global nature catastrophe ravaged the planet.
The reason why they started to write down their history around 560 BC, was that the culture at that time was under heavy pressure due to conquests and infiltrations from the Middle East. Learned of the time faced that their culture and faith was about to be wiped out completely, therefore they wrote down all historical material and their doctrines so that it shouldn’t become lost for the future. The material was collected from the burgh-walls – where it had been the tradition to inscribe all what was important, as well as from other sources.
It was all collected in a scripture or book named The Book of Adela’s Followers. Adela was the unofficial folk-mother of the nation at that time, and she was also the initiator of collecting the material. The book was taken care of by her family, which was granted the name Overa Linda – an older version of Over de Linden – after she was killed. Later members of the family have provided more material, and two of them have enclosed cover letters with strict messages to the inheritors:
Dear inheritors, for the sake of our dear forefathers, and for the sake of our dear freedom, I bid you a thousand times: O dear, never let the eyes of a pope sympathizer wander over these writings. They speek sweet words, but they distort unnoticed all what relates to us Freyjans.
The writing of the history ended in the first half of the first century AD, and in our time the complete material was given the title The Oera Linda Book.

The scientific establishment has never made any real effort to study either the content of the book or the paper on which it is written. One has just supposed it to be humbug, and the sparse examinations which have been undertaken have been made with that as the base. Of natural reasons historians and other researchers are shunning everything which is controversial. But there isn’t possible to detect any grounds that the book should be a forgery other than fictitious, and its content presents so many problems for discussion that if it should be a falsification it would have been far more unbelievable than if it should have been preserved over 2500 years.
On February 16th, 2016, ‘Othar’ (Jan Ott) wrote on the blog Oera Linda and the Great Flood, Part 3, on the website Unexplained Mysteries:
When information is hidden to the common public, it is called “occult”. When an occult source suddenly shows up in the public domain, it will be a threat to the cultural elite, so they will try to hide it again.
In the case of the Oera Linda Book, they were too late, since it was translated, published and widely discussed before they knew it. So what else could be done than have it ridiculed and intimidate scholars who dared to be interested in it?
He is one of the several amateurs who are doing research on the content of the book, and I am another.
As the book has been copied several times during the ages, because the material on which it is written hasn’t lasted for ever, what we are left with today is possibly a scripture of the mid 19th century. If that’s the case, an eventual authenticity can only be searched for in the written content – in what is told there which one couldn’t know around AD 1850. I have based the material presented on this website on that fact, though I regard it as probable that the physical material might be 600 years older.
The Oera Linda Book has previously been translated into Dutch,to gjh jfo English,tol olb German,du doe French,lld Italian,ild Afrikaans,dol Spanish hga and Swedish.ole Here is presented for the first time a translation in Norwegian, and at the same time an English version which is more true to the contents of the book. The two translations are running parallel in the form of a polyglot, in combination with the original text transcribed into Latin letters.

Hans Olav Lien,
Bonifacio Global City, 2015

Explanation to the text:
In the translations the material is sorted chronologically. The original pagination is inserted as red numbers in the text. What is else written in red types, are my comments. 
See the original manuscript here:
All pages: © Hans Olav Lien, 2015

~ ~ ~

Hans Olav was also the author of "The Discovery of America - The Deception of the Millennium", which can still be purchased.

14 April 2016

PILA not 'pielen' (slowly) but 'pijlen' (quickly)

[Revision 3-7-2024: Seen from wider context, slow sailing makes more sense. In the battle, Friso's fleet had the wind against them which helped them shooting burning arrows. After two days of sailing, the fleet of Ionians approached. Thus slow sailing makes more sense. Gtb 'pielen': Zich inspannen, zich moeite geven voor iets, ijverig bezig zijn. (To make an effort (for something), to be diligent.)]

Every once in a while, we make a nice discovery in the OLB. Yesterday, I found an improvement to all existing Dutch translations and to the English one by Sandbach.

The only one who had it correct before me, was Hans Olav Lien, but I think he was not aware of his improvement of the existing translations, since he did not make a note of it, which he usually does. The reason why he made the only correct translation so far, is that the word still exists in Norse and, as I found, also in Afrikaans (Dutch South African). It means to rush, move quickly, flee instead of slowly (!) and is derived from (moving like a) pijl (arrow). Arrow in OLB is PIL (see here).

This is the fragment and the word is PILATH (verb):



Ottema (1876) p.177
Doch na dat wij twee dagen voort gesukkeld hadden (plodded on/along)

Overwijn (1951)
Maar nadat wij twee dagen hadden voortgesukkeld

Jensma (2006)
Maar nadat wij twee dagen voortgepield* hadden
(*apparently from Newfrisian piele = to be busy)

De Heer (2008)
Echter, nadat wij twee dagen voorts gepield hadden


Sandbach (1876) p.177
but after two days' slow sailing

Raubenheimer (2011): as Sandbach

Lien (2016)
But after we had hurried on for two days
(NORSE: Men etter at vi hadde pilt videre i to dager)


Wirth (1933): left whole part out

Menkens (2013)
Doch nachdem wir zwei Tage weiter gesegelt/gepilgert waren (sailed/ made a pilgrimage?!)


my Norse-Dutch pocket dictionary (Prisma 2010):

pile: snellen, vliegen (to rush, fly)
Also see: https://no.wiktionary.org/wiki/pile

G.J. van Wyk (2003), Etimologiewoordeboek van Afrikaans, Stellenbosch (incl. Supplement uit 2007)
pyl ww.
Reguit, vinnig beweeg. (move quickly, straight)
Uit gewestelike Ndl. pijlen. Ndl. pijlen is jonger as pijl, en die ww. sou oorspr. aangedui het dat iets so reguit en vinnig soos 'n afgeskiete pyl beweeg.


If OLB would be a forgery, why would its creator not have used a word from known Old Frisian or Old Dutch? Is it likely that he would have known the South African or Norse (Danish?) word? Of course, sceptics may say: yes he probably knew the word and used it to add to the illusion of authenticity, or: it may have been a co-incidence. But we have seen more examples of words that only in the last few years became clarified. It just makes no sense to me that someone would make such an effort, using a seemingly endless talent, to create something this complicated, without a clear goal.

10 April 2016

OLB associated with racism in 1973 and 1984

"Oera Linda Boek en underground", Leeuwarder Courant, January 23, 1973 by anonymous reporter. In this article it is also falsely suggested that OLB would include an etymology of the Himalayas meaning "de hemel aaien" (to stroke the heavens).

"Rechtse 'Groenen' schuwen racisme niet", Leeuwarder Courant, June 7, 1984 by anonymous reporter.

1972 Sixma van Heemstra

"Sixma van Heemstra en het Oera Linda Bok", by S.J. van der Molen;
Leeuwarder Courant, February 19, 1972

09 April 2016

1980 Leeuwarder Courant

Three newspaper articles that appeared in the Frisian newspaper Leeuwarder Courant.

August 20, 1980 - "The other Atlantis: Oera Linda yn de safolste ferzy" by anonymous reporter in the Frisian language.

September 3, 1980 - "The other Atlantis", letter (Dutch) to the editor by W. Rinsma.

 November 1, 1980 - "Hermann Wirth, eens ûlebuorden-onderzoeker, nu oprichter van de heilige Almoeder-graal", by anonymous reporter (Dutch).


25 March 2016

Two worst mistakes in first OLB publication

Dr. Jan G. Ottema (1804-1879)
In the first publication of the Oera Linda Book (1872 and 1876), translator Dr. Ottema made two big mistakes - in my opinion -, that were copied by Sandbach in his English edition (1876).

These mistakes are particularly curious, since the owner of the manuscript, Cornelis Over de Linden tried to prevent them in the correspondence they had previous to the publication.

1. Translation of "OD" as "hate"
2. Manipulation of the alphabet page

~ ~ ~

1. Translation of "OD" as "hate"

In their correspondence, Ottema and Over de Linden sometimes discussed parts of the translation, for example when Cornelis wrote (November 8, 1871):
You want to replace the word 'od' with 'animosity'. On page 128 I find FIAND for enemy. I would rather see you use 'fertilising force' - or a more appropriate term. The word animosity will cause animosity. [Ottema would later change 'animosity' in 'hatred'.] When one speaks to youths about love, they will fall in love. But when one speaks to them of war, they will separate in groups and play soldier, to the great pleasure of despotism.
In 1534 Martin Luther has used Odem for 'God's breath', which is what we might call life force. The old Dutch word odevaar for stork suggests a link with fertility. The Old Greek word ὠδις (ódis) can mean birth. In the Westfrisian dialect, oôt or oot is used for an indestructible weed (wild oat). All this supports Cornelis' suggestion to use something related to fertility or life force*.
* odd in Norse means point, tip, head, top, peak; odin means one (1) in Russian; in Dutch slang, oeteren is to urinate and oetlul is dickhead. Hod(e) is an old word for testicle. While 'life force' is a rather abstract concept, the simple, original meaning of od may have been penis. Indeed, that is what naturally has to enter a woman to make her pregnant.
But Ottema ignored this. He later wrote to Cornelis' son Leendert Floris Over de Linden (January 26, 1876):
Od (anger, rage, hate, animosity) trad to-ra binna, means that hate entered the hearts of the three daughters of Irtha [Earth]; this hate was obviously inherited by all of their descendants, and this is cause of the inborn, innate animosity specially in Finda's and Lyda's posterity against Frya's children. An animosity that will not end until the people of Finda and Lyda will be exterminated, and the people of Frya at the final victory will remain and inherit and possess the whole earth.
This animosity dominates all of history in the OLB and still goes on in our days. Frya's people pervade in all continents and establish European supremacy all over the earth. Everywhere the peoples of Finda and Lyda will have to submit or disappear.
Let us now look at the original fragment and how it appeared in the first Dutch and English editions:

manuscript page 6, lines 28-30
Note the dot between DRÁMA and WR and there is none between ALDA.S and OD
transliteration Ottema 1872, p.12
footnotes below transliteration Ottema 1872, p.12

Footnotes translated:
(*) Wr.alda. Always written as a composite word, meaning: the over-old or most ancient one, the primal being.
(†) Od, root of Latin odi, I hate.

translation Ottema 1872, p.13 - "Haat trad tot haar binnen"
translation Sandbach 1876, p.13 - "Hatred found its way among them"
(he used the same transliteration and footnotes as Ottema)

Ottema also missed the dot between DRÁMA and WR.ALDA.S and placed one between WR.ALDA.S and OD. It should be:
Which might be translated as (I would keep od):
Once they were ripe,
they got dreams of fruits and nuts (or: pleasure and delight).
Wralda's od (life force, seed or penis) entered them.
~ ~ ~

2. Manipulation of the alphabet page

Over de Linden (1811-1874)
Perhaps because Old Frisian specialist De Haan Hettema had written that the curly RUNSKRIFT (or continuous script) letters looked like the 19th century longhand, Ottema decided to change the alphabet page altogether. Over de Linden wrote him about this decision (June 11, 1872 ~ Dutch original here):
A request for revision, says W. de L. in Spectator magazine of 21 October 1871 # 42, the same I ask you, and all who reject the so-called 'RUN-SKRIFT' as of younger date.

In your translation I read: "Oh dear, never let the eyes of a monk gaze upon this script, they speak sweet words, but... etc."

From this fear of monks I dare conclude, that they had already captured many of our old manuscripts. I also dare believe that the Over de Lindens have not been the only ones, who possessed the book of Adela Follistar. When I follow the history of the manuscript, I dare assume that the Romans, the Phoenicians, the Greeks and all Mediterranean peoples learned the letterscript from us.

Not copied from the geometric lines of the Jol, but from less neatly produced Frisian manuscripts.

In the times when I tortured myself trying to read the handwriting, someone said to me that they might be Phoenician letters. So I looked for a book about the Phoenician language and found one with the title: "Paläographische Studien über phönizische und punische Schrift - Herausgegeben von D. Wilhelm Gesenius. Mit 6 lithographirten tafelen. Leipzig 1835."

The letters in that book are very different, but many of them are similar to the STAND and the RUN-SKRIFT as presented in the manuscript. Many or most of the prints of tokens with letters, depict women's heads, that reminded me of the Frisian honorary Mothers. The author says that every Phoenician colony had its own letterscript. But I could not follow him, because he compared the letters with Hebrew ones, which I don't know.

If my notion is right, we have been the lettergivers of all Mediterranean peoples. As the Nordic peoples always have been - and still are - the real sea dogs, the French with all their elevated theories not excluded, they were also most in need of letters and ciphars.

That the monks, who have invented their own letterscript, stifled ours to make it unreadable, lies in their nature. But who knows how many Copies of the book of Adela's Folstar remain here and elsewhere with kings or in Rome. Now that more than a thousand years have passed, they may have introduced the walking script as capitals, because they are similar to our capitals.

If you are so weak as to reject the walking script, out of fear for some barkers, than it is as if you want to duel with the sheath, while passing the sword to them.

For in the manuscript it says: "When Fàsta was Mother of honor, she made the running or walking script out of it. The Witking, that is sea king Godfried... etc." So, if the runscript was added more recently, then the above fragment was also added, and then anything can have been added. So I keep protesting against the mutilation.
In one of my videos, I also argue that the curly 'walking script' is in several ways completely different from the 19th century longhand and no reason to reject OLB's authenticity.

These are the alphabet and numerals in the original manuscript, pages 46-47:

And this is how it appeared in Ottema (1872, 1876) and Sandbach (1876):

This created misunderstandings and played into the hands of critics. (I will try to find back examples and add them later.)