[note: also see 1. Chronyk van Friesland (Okke van Scharle - reprint 1742) p.2, and 2. Chronique van Vrieslant (Winsemius, 1622) fol.7 /// of further interest: Friso in 2014 doctoral thesis about Troy myths "De eindeloze Stad", par. 6.4.2; p.472-5 ]
Two relevant entries in 1725 historical-geographical dictionary (Halma & van Nidek):
[Provisional English translation of most relevant parts below]
Tooneel der Vereenigde Nederlanden, en onderhorige landschappen, geopent in een algemeen historisch, genealogisch, geographisch en staatkundig woordenboek, waar in de aloude, de opvolgende en hedendaagsche staat dezer gewesten naar de orde van 't A.B.C. ontvouwen en opgeheldert wordt, uit een zeer groot getal van oude en nieuwe geschiedboeken, handvesten, brieven, aantekeningen, en andere schriften, met behulp van verscheide kenners byeenvergadert en zamengestelt door François Halma, en na deszelfs overlyden vervolgt door Matthaeus Brouërius van Nidek, Rechtsgeleerden. Met naukeurige landkaarten en printverbeeldingen versiert.
[2 delen: t/m letter I, v/a letter K]
Te Leeuwarden, gedrukt by Hendrik Halma, landschaps- en akademie-drukker. 1725
[1] Trith. in op. Histor. B. Neander de antiq. Germ. Brugm. voor Scriver. pag.83. Winsem. Fr. Kr. fol.6 Mezer. Kronyk van Vr. fol.19.
[2] Suffr. Petr. de orig. Frisii. Winsem. Kronyk fol.7. Schotan. beschr. van Fr. pag.2. Bernh. Furn. ann. Fr. Petit Nederl. Republ. pag.220. P. Montanus by Guicc. fol.176.
[3] Suffrid. Petr. Bernh. Furm. Winsem. Petit.
[4] Petit Nederl. Republ. pag.223.
[1] Schotan. Friesl. Tacitus. Plinius.
[2] Picard verg. antiq- pag. 15. De Raey Diction. Geogr. pag. 525.
[3] Idem Picard ibid.
[4] Joach. Hopp. in zyne tafel der Kon. van Friesl. Idem Picard p.19.20.
Two relevant entries in 1725 historical-geographical dictionary (Halma & van Nidek):
[Provisional English translation of most relevant parts below]
Tooneel der Vereenigde Nederlanden, en onderhorige landschappen, geopent in een algemeen historisch, genealogisch, geographisch en staatkundig woordenboek, waar in de aloude, de opvolgende en hedendaagsche staat dezer gewesten naar de orde van 't A.B.C. ontvouwen en opgeheldert wordt, uit een zeer groot getal van oude en nieuwe geschiedboeken, handvesten, brieven, aantekeningen, en andere schriften, met behulp van verscheide kenners byeenvergadert en zamengestelt door François Halma, en na deszelfs overlyden vervolgt door Matthaeus Brouërius van Nidek, Rechtsgeleerden. Met naukeurige landkaarten en printverbeeldingen versiert.
[2 delen: t/m letter I, v/a letter K]
Te Leeuwarden, gedrukt by Hendrik Halma, landschaps- en akademie-drukker. 1725
FRISO, van veele der oude Schryveren voor Stamvader der Friezen gehouden;[1] naar wien zoo 't Landt, als 't Volk dien naam zoude gekreegen hebben, en 't laatste van hem derwaarts gevoert zyn: maar vermits'er geen bewys van is, word het meest voor een fabel geacht, ten minsten dat'er veele verdichtzels onder gemengt zyn; echter, om te weeten wat'er de Ouden van geschreven hebben, te gelyk ook om den onkundigen daar in te voldoen, zullen wy, zoo kort als mogelyk, voorstellen wat'er d'oude boeken van berichten.
Trithemius zegt, dat der Franken Koning Clodio zynen zoon Friso stelde, om de Provintiën naast aan de Duitschers grenzende, als ook aan de Noordtzee, te bestieren, dat ze het landt, naar zynen naam, het Frisoos landt, by verkortinge Frieslandt noemden. Maar dat hier een misslag is, blykt uit Tacitus en Plinius; ook dat die naam van Frisii wel vier of vyf hondert jaaren eer dan der Francken regeeringe in Gallia bekent geweest is. Zelf kent de Fransche Historyschryver, Mezeray, dezen Friso niet, veel min eenen zoon van Clodio te zyn.
Van eenen anderen, veel ouder Friso, heeft men deze vertelling. Uit het geslacht van Sem, Noächs zoon, was gesproten een zoon Adel, Prins van Benedicta Fresia, by de Indiaanen genoemt Palibothra, by de Grieken Phrasia; hy had dat Prinsdom of Koningryk van zyne Voorvaderen geërft: maar wierd'er door eenen Tyran Agrammes onrechtvaerdig van berooft, en met zyne drie zoonen, Friso, Saxo, en Bruno, uit het landt gedreven. Adel begaf zich naar Atheenen; zyn zoon Friso hoorde daar eenen tydt lang de lessen van Plato; begaf zich eerst in dienst van Koning Philippus, en na zyne doodt, in dienst van zynen zoon Alexander den Grooten; had den roem van zonderlinge dapperheit: zou ter Gemalinne genomen hebben Hillo, dochter van Agathocles, die zoon was van Lysimachus, vermaart onder de Vorstelyke Helden van Alexander Magnus. Deze Friso won by Hillo zeven zoonen en eene dochter: deedt met Alexander eenen togt naar Asiën: Quam weêr in Indiën, en droeg zich ongemeen ridderlyk in de oorlogen, zoo dat Alexander hem ten Beschermheer van de landen aan 't Emodische gebergte stelde.
Na de doodt van Alexander, toen Sandrocottus van de Macedoniers afviel, d'Indiaanen ophitste en alle Macedonische bezettingen wegdreef, most ook Friso met zyne twee broeders, Bruno, en Saxo, nevens veele zyner goede vrienden, van daar wyken. Keerde daar op weêr naar Benedicta Fresia; maar Agrammes verboodt hem 't Landt. Toen verliet hy met de zynen Indiën, quam na veelerleie voorvallen by Ptolomaeus van Egipten: van daar by Lysimachus in Thraciën; daar hy kennisse met eenige Duitschers hield, en vernam uit hen de gelegentheit van Duitschlandt; rustte, met bewilliginge van zynen Schoonvader, eene Scheepsvloot toe; voer daar mede de Middellandtscbe zee uit, door de Straat van Herkules, in den Oceaan, voorby Spanjen, Vrankryk, en Engelandt, het Vlie in. Daar tradt hy te lande, en bouwde, ter eere van zynen afgodt Stavo, eene Kerke: leî ook de grondtvesten van Stavoren, tot eene Sterkte tegen de Suëven, toen Inwoonders van Frieslandt. Hy deedt ook verscheide togten tegens hen, en de Sclaven; zoo dat hy hen het Landt deed ruimen, en noemde 't geen hy verovert hadde, naar zynen naam, Frisoos Landt, en de niewe Inwoonders Friezen.
Wanneer zy nu, na dertig jaaren verloops, zoo vermeenigvuldigt waren,[2] dat Frieslandt hen niet langer voeden kon, wierden Saxo en Bruno, op zekere voorwaarden, van Friso met eene groote heirkracht uitgezonden: zy voeren de Elve op, vermeesterden de landen aan de Weser, en de Natiën daar omheene, die zy toen Saxischen noemden, stichtten eene Stadt die ze den naam van Brunoos wyk (Brunswyk) gaven: Friso nam ondertusschen den geheelen zeekant, tot aan Denemarken, in; en verdeelde het landt in zeven Zee-landen, onder zyne zeven zoonen, die zy wel verzorgden met dammen en sluizen, bouwden daar huizen, en maakten met de Standen van Duitschlandt een eeuwig verbondt, waar by hun de bewaringe der Zeekusten, tegen de Rovers, toevertrouwt wierd. Verder maakten zy Wetten en Ordonnantiën, rechtten Schoolen ter Krygsoeffeninge op, als mede om goede Konsten te leeren; Friso zou zelf beschreven, en schriftelyk nagelaten hebben zyne Verbonden met de Duitsche Vorsten aangegaan: desgelyks, hoe verre zich het erf van yder zyner zoonen strekken zoude, met aanwyzinge wat zy te doen of te laaten hadden, om in goeden vrede te zitten, nevens meer andere dingen, den welstandt van Frieslandt betreffende.
Zynen oudsten zoon Adel, stelde hy tot Erfgenaam in het Prinsdom van Stavoren. De andere zes, Witto, Hetto, Hayo, Schelto, Gaulo, en Aesgo, gaf hy yder een deel der gedachte Zee-landen van Frieslandt, bepaalt door zekere Stroomen, die vyf in getal waren, tusschen het Flie en de Eider; namelyk de Lauwers, de Eems, de Weser, de Jada, en de Elve. Tusschen het Flie en de Eems waren drie van deze Zee-landen aan de Zuidtzyde zeer wel bewoont; te meer omdat het Noorder-quartier niet wel bewoonbaar was, wegens de stille wateren, moerassen, en gebrek van dyken, die hen tegen de zee konden bevryden. Het beste gedeelte van dit Gewest was Stavoren, de Zevenwolden, Steenwyk, Twenth, Drenth, een stuk van Groningerlandt, Benthem, en Oldenburg. Voor den tydt van Karel den Grooten wierd dit Quartier genaamt Hoog-Frieslandt.[3]
Voorts zegt men, dat al wat Prins Friso naliet, in de Friesche taal, met Grieksche letteren, geschreven zou zyn geweest. Men stelt dat hy over Frieslandt 68 (of 60) jaaren geregeert zou hebben, na de Scheppinge 3710. of voor Christus geboorte 245 (of 247) jaaren.
Dus verre 't verhaal van Friso; de lezer diene zich hier van zoo hy wil, met te verwerpen, of'er van af, of aan te neemen naar zyn behaagen. Wy zouden meenen dat de Friesen en Frieslandt hunnen naam van de Firaesi,[4] eer dan van deezen Friso, bekomen konnen hebben. Zy waren eertydts eene Natie der Wester-Gotthen, op 't Landtschap dat nu den naam van Fieringe draagt; zie op FIRAESI.
[1] Trith. in op. Histor. B. Neander de antiq. Germ. Brugm. voor Scriver. pag.83. Winsem. Fr. Kr. fol.6 Mezer. Kronyk van Vr. fol.19.
[2] Suffr. Petr. de orig. Frisii. Winsem. Kronyk fol.7. Schotan. beschr. van Fr. pag.2. Bernh. Furn. ann. Fr. Petit Nederl. Republ. pag.220. P. Montanus by Guicc. fol.176.
[3] Suffrid. Petr. Bernh. Furm. Winsem. Petit.
[4] Petit Nederl. Republ. pag.223.
FIRAESI.[1] Zy worden voor een Natie of Volk van het Noordtsche Half-eilandt Scania gehouden, en voor afkomelingen van Askenas, zoon van Gomer, zoons zoon van Japhet, enz. Het is niet onwaarschynlyk dat van deze Firaesi, de Friesen (in overoude Vriesche schriften, aantekeningen, ordonnantiën en brieven altydt Fresen genoemt) hunnen oorsprong en naam gekregen hebben. Dat de Frisii (Friesen, Vriesen) al lang voor Christus geboorte bekent zyn geweest, en toen alreeds vermaart, is buiten tegenspreeken. Picard zegt dat'er een landt is,[2] gelegen in West-Gothlandt, onder den Koning van Zweeden behoorende, wiens inwoonders al voor Christus tyden den naam van Firaesi voerden; dus worden zy van Ptolemaeus geheeten. Ph. Cluverius zegt, dat dit Landtschap in dien tydt FIERINGE geheeten wierd. Het leit niet verre van 't Meyr de Wener, of Weener zee: doch eenige landtzaaten, van dit groote landt, zouden hunne woonplaatzen dikmaals verandert hebben, en derhalven is 't geloofwaardig, dat deze Firaesi met een groot lichaam en leger, van mannen, vrouwen, enz. opgekraamt zyn, om dit landt (nu Vrieslandt) in te neemen en te bewoonen. Dus zou d'overoude Friesche Natie haren oorsprong van de zoo zeer vermaarde Gotthen hebben; wel een zeer verwoedt, woest, en barbarisch, maar ook boven maaten strydtbaar volk. En gewisselyk, als men aanmerkt dat'er, lang voor Christus geboorte, eene Gotthische Noordtsche Natie Firaesi genoemt is geweest; dat de Noordtsche volkeren gewoon waren zich met gansche zwermen naar andere Gewesten te begeeven; dat'er geen groot verschil is tusschen den naam Firaesi en Friesen; dat men in Vrieslandt Steden, Vlekken en Dorpen vindt, even zoo geheeten als die in Gothia, namelyk Gronge in Gothlandt, en Groningen alhier in Vrieslandt, nevens Gieten, Anloo, Assen, Runen, en meer plaatzen in Drenth, aleens met die in Gothlandt: dat de Gothen en Friesen eenerlei naamen van persoonen hebben, Watzo, Ubbo, Hako, Tako; en onder de vrouwen Hetta, Jiska, Vrowa, Hilla: Dat de oude Vriesche spraak eene groote gemeenschap met de Gothsche heeft, en veel woorden eenerlei beteekenisse hebben:[3] Wanneer men dit nauw overweegt, zal men deeze meeninge, aangaande den naam en oorsprong der Vriesen, ligtelyk stellen boven alle voorgeevingen op't woordt FRIESEN, FRIESLAND, en FRISO. Te meer wanneer men'er bydoet, dat de naamen der eerste Friesche Prinssen, uit het Noorden herwaarts gekomen, even zoodanige zyn als der Koningen die over Gothlandt regeerden. J. Hopperus houd het'er ook voor,[4] dat de Vriesen oorsprongkelyk uit de Hoog-Noordtsche (Hyperborei) volken zyn; en meent dat ze van hen de letterkunde bekomen hebben. Vermoedelyk dan zyn ze uit de Gotthen, verzelt mogelyk met andere Noordtsche Natiën, eerst in Groninger-landt, of wel laatst daar aangekomen, daar ze Groningen gebouwt, en naar hun Gronge dien naam zullen gegeeven hebben: ook het Drenth naar hun Dronthem, daar ze Runen insgelyks gesticht, en naar hun vermaart Gothsch Eilandt Runen zullen genaamt hebben.
[1] Schotan. Friesl. Tacitus. Plinius.
[2] Picard verg. antiq- pag. 15. De Raey Diction. Geogr. pag. 525.
[3] Idem Picard ibid.
[4] Joach. Hopp. in zyne tafel der Kon. van Friesl. Idem Picard p.19.20.
added 20-9-2022 note by 'FromFinland':Skáldskaparmál, ch. LXV, p. 233: "Fyrdar[6] and Firar[7] are they called who defend the land. 6, 7. Cf. A.-S. fyrd, firas."The whole work begins by referring to the Frá Fornjóti/Fundinn Noregr lineage, as seen also in Oera Linda book, though the Ægir/Hlér (i.e. Väinämöinen) character has been erroneously transported from dwelling in Finland (as correctly in Frá Fornjóti) to Danish island as per the passing Fundinn Noregr mention that Finnish sea-prince Górr finds from that Danish island some of his kinsmen via Ægir's line.
The important word if the form Firar, with the typical Scandinavian Germanic suffix ending ~ar. The meaning given in Skáldskaparmál could make the reference to be something akin to 'fyrd'ers' or 'fyrd-defenders'. Meaning it's not only an English military organization (fyrd) meant to fight back the Vikings, but an original root organization from the forefathers of the later Vikings and Anglo-Saxons took influence.
This does not rule out Frisian <=> Firaesi alternative connection, especially in connection with the Oera Linda book depiction of ancient Frisian resistance in southern Sweden. Or in context of the presence of Frisians among the early medieval era Angles and Saxons making up the English nation.
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FRISO, [...]
From the lineage of Shem, Noah's son, sprang a son Adel, Prince of Benedicta Fresia, called Palibothra by the Indians, Phrasia by the Greeks; he had inherited that Principality or Kingdom from his forefathers: but it was unjustly taken by a Tyrant Agrammes, and driven out of the country with his three sons, Friso, Saxo, and Bruno. Adel went to Athens; his son Friso studied with Plato for a while; then first entered the service of King Philip, and after the latter’s death, into the service of his son Alexander the Great; had the fame of singular bravery: is said to have taken as his wife Hillo, daughter of Agathocles, son of Lysimachus, renown among the Royal Heroes of Alexander. This Friso won by Hillo seven sons and a daughter: took one trip with Alexander to Asia: Returned to India, and acted extraordinarily knightly in the wars, so that Alexander made him patron of the countries of the Emodian mountain.
After Alexander's death, when Sandrocotttus abandoned the Macedonians, incited the Indians, and drove away all Macedonian occupations, Friso and his two brothers, Bruno, and Saxo, along with many of his close friends, were forced to leave from there. Then he returned to Benedicta Fresia; but Agrammes forbade him access. Then he left India with his group, and finally arrived at Ptolomaeus of Egypt: from there to Lysimachus in Thrace; there he became acquainted with some Germanic people, and learned from them the occasion of Germania; with the consent of his father-in-law, he equipped a naval fleet; sailed out of the Mediterranean sea, through the Strait of Hercules, into the Ocean, passed Spain, France, and England, into the Vlie. There he landed, and built, in honor of his idol, Stavo, a Temple: laying the foundations of Stavoren, a stronghold against the Suebi, then Inhabitants of Friesland. He also took various campaigns against them, as well as the Slavs; expelling them, and what he had conquered, he named after himself, Friso’s Land, and the new inhabitants Frisians.
Furthermore, it is said that all Prince Friso left behind would have been written in the Frisian language, with Greek letters. It is stated that he would have reigned over Frieslandt for 68 (or 60) years, after the Creation 3710, or before Christ’s birth 245 (or 247) years.
[...] It is up to the reader to take or leave from this what he wills. Our opinion is that the Frisians and Friesland rather derive their names from the Firaesi than from Friso; they were a nation of West-Goths, on the land which is now named Fieringe; see under Firaesi.
They are regarded as a nation or people of the Northern peninsula Scania, and as descendants of Askenas, son of Gomer, son of Japhet, etc. It is not unlikely that from these Firaesi, the Frisians (in ancient Frisian writings, notes, contracts and letters mostly spelled ‘Fresen’) have received their origin and name. It is beyond dispute that the Frisii were known long before Christ's birth, and had then already been renowned.
According to Picard, there is an area in West Gothland, belonging to the King of Swedes, whose inhabitants already before Christ named themselves Firaesi; and thus they are called by Ptolemy. According to Ph. Cluverius, this land was then called FIERINGE. It is not far from Lake Wener, or the Weener sea (Vänern lake): but some of the landdwellers of this great land [Scania] would have changed their habitations many times, and it is therefore credible that these Firaesi, with a large group and army, of men, women, etc., moved to occupy and inhabit this land (now Friesland). Thus the ancient Frisian Nation would have its origins from the very famous Goths; a very furious, fierce, and barbaric, but also exceptionally combative people.
And surely, considering [1] that long before Christ's birth a Gothic Northern Nation was called Firaesi; [2] that the Nordic peoples were accustomed to move in swarms to other regions; [3] that there is no great difference between the names Firaesi and Frisians; [4] that in Friesland one finds cities, areas and villages similarly named as those in Gothia, for example Gronge in Gothland, and Groningen here in Friesland, besides Gieten, Anloo, Assen, Ruinen among others (in Drenthe) having namesakes in Gothland; [5] that the Goths and Frisians share typical personal names, like Watzo, Ubbo, Hako, Tako and among the women Hetta, Jiska, Vrowa, Hilla; [6] that the old Frisian speech has a great communion with the Gothic, and many words have the same meaning;
Considering all this, it would make more sense to assume this as the origin of the names Frisians and Friesland, rather than Friso. All the more when it is added that the names of the first Frisian princes, who had come here from the North, are the same as those of the kings who ruled Gothland. J. Hopperus also concludes, that the Frisians originate from the Most Northern (Hyperborei) peoples; and thinks that they have obtained their literacy from them. Presumably then they came from the Goths, possibly accompanied by other Northern Nations, first in our current Groningen province, where they built the town Groningen, naming it after their ‘Gronge’; and likewise our province Drenthe after their ‘Dronthem’, where they similarly founded the town Ruinen, naming it after their renowned Gothic Island ‘Runen’.
FRISO, [...]
From the lineage of Shem, Noah's son, sprang a son Adel, Prince of Benedicta Fresia, called Palibothra by the Indians, Phrasia by the Greeks; he had inherited that Principality or Kingdom from his forefathers: but it was unjustly taken by a Tyrant Agrammes, and driven out of the country with his three sons, Friso, Saxo, and Bruno. Adel went to Athens; his son Friso studied with Plato for a while; then first entered the service of King Philip, and after the latter’s death, into the service of his son Alexander the Great; had the fame of singular bravery: is said to have taken as his wife Hillo, daughter of Agathocles, son of Lysimachus, renown among the Royal Heroes of Alexander. This Friso won by Hillo seven sons and a daughter: took one trip with Alexander to Asia: Returned to India, and acted extraordinarily knightly in the wars, so that Alexander made him patron of the countries of the Emodian mountain.
After Alexander's death, when Sandrocotttus abandoned the Macedonians, incited the Indians, and drove away all Macedonian occupations, Friso and his two brothers, Bruno, and Saxo, along with many of his close friends, were forced to leave from there. Then he returned to Benedicta Fresia; but Agrammes forbade him access. Then he left India with his group, and finally arrived at Ptolomaeus of Egypt: from there to Lysimachus in Thrace; there he became acquainted with some Germanic people, and learned from them the occasion of Germania; with the consent of his father-in-law, he equipped a naval fleet; sailed out of the Mediterranean sea, through the Strait of Hercules, into the Ocean, passed Spain, France, and England, into the Vlie. There he landed, and built, in honor of his idol, Stavo, a Temple: laying the foundations of Stavoren, a stronghold against the Suebi, then Inhabitants of Friesland. He also took various campaigns against them, as well as the Slavs; expelling them, and what he had conquered, he named after himself, Friso’s Land, and the new inhabitants Frisians.
Furthermore, it is said that all Prince Friso left behind would have been written in the Frisian language, with Greek letters. It is stated that he would have reigned over Frieslandt for 68 (or 60) years, after the Creation 3710, or before Christ’s birth 245 (or 247) years.
[...] It is up to the reader to take or leave from this what he wills. Our opinion is that the Frisians and Friesland rather derive their names from the Firaesi than from Friso; they were a nation of West-Goths, on the land which is now named Fieringe; see under Firaesi.
They are regarded as a nation or people of the Northern peninsula Scania, and as descendants of Askenas, son of Gomer, son of Japhet, etc. It is not unlikely that from these Firaesi, the Frisians (in ancient Frisian writings, notes, contracts and letters mostly spelled ‘Fresen’) have received their origin and name. It is beyond dispute that the Frisii were known long before Christ's birth, and had then already been renowned.
According to Picard, there is an area in West Gothland, belonging to the King of Swedes, whose inhabitants already before Christ named themselves Firaesi; and thus they are called by Ptolemy. According to Ph. Cluverius, this land was then called FIERINGE. It is not far from Lake Wener, or the Weener sea (Vänern lake): but some of the landdwellers of this great land [Scania] would have changed their habitations many times, and it is therefore credible that these Firaesi, with a large group and army, of men, women, etc., moved to occupy and inhabit this land (now Friesland). Thus the ancient Frisian Nation would have its origins from the very famous Goths; a very furious, fierce, and barbaric, but also exceptionally combative people.
And surely, considering [1] that long before Christ's birth a Gothic Northern Nation was called Firaesi; [2] that the Nordic peoples were accustomed to move in swarms to other regions; [3] that there is no great difference between the names Firaesi and Frisians; [4] that in Friesland one finds cities, areas and villages similarly named as those in Gothia, for example Gronge in Gothland, and Groningen here in Friesland, besides Gieten, Anloo, Assen, Ruinen among others (in Drenthe) having namesakes in Gothland; [5] that the Goths and Frisians share typical personal names, like Watzo, Ubbo, Hako, Tako and among the women Hetta, Jiska, Vrowa, Hilla; [6] that the old Frisian speech has a great communion with the Gothic, and many words have the same meaning;
Considering all this, it would make more sense to assume this as the origin of the names Frisians and Friesland, rather than Friso. All the more when it is added that the names of the first Frisian princes, who had come here from the North, are the same as those of the kings who ruled Gothland. J. Hopperus also concludes, that the Frisians originate from the Most Northern (Hyperborei) peoples; and thinks that they have obtained their literacy from them. Presumably then they came from the Goths, possibly accompanied by other Northern Nations, first in our current Groningen province, where they built the town Groningen, naming it after their ‘Gronge’; and likewise our province Drenthe after their ‘Dronthem’, where they similarly founded the town Ruinen, naming it after their renowned Gothic Island ‘Runen’.
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