19 October 2015

page 002 - 003 Ádela speaks

For page 001, see earlier post.

ALTOMET - westfrisian: altemetteris (sometimes)
BÀRN - children; see post
HYRTOGUM (plur., elsewhere spelled HÉRTOGA) - du: hertog; ge: herzog; da,no: hertug; fr: hartoch; sw: hertig; ic: hertogi (duke, lit. army-leader)
VRDWÁLSKA - du: overdwaals; fr: oerdwealsk (excessive, audacious, haughty)

VRLOVANDE.RA KY MITH GOLDEN HORNA - literally "promising them cows with golden horns"; this expression still exists in Dutch and means the same as the English expression “to promise mountains of gold”; to promise much, and perform nothing

More words will be listed later. 

18 October 2015

Page 00a and 00b ~ Liko and Hidde Oera Linda

See previous post.

ÁGON - eyes; see post
PAMPÍER - paper, see post
SKÉDNISSE - fr: skiednis; du: geschiedenis; du: geschichte (history)
WRSKRÉVEN, WRSKRÍVA, SKRÉWEN - copied, copy, written; see post (02 December 2011 - 07:04 PM)

(more words later)

17 October 2015

page 001 new English translation

Page one of my new English Oera Linda translation (experimental phase). I have decided not to stick to the original wording (leaving names and some key terms untranslated), but make it a more easy read which still gives voice to the essence as I percieve it after 6 years of studying it. It is the first English translation that offers an easy way of comparing to transliteration and original manuscript.
Proper introduction, discussion, index etc. will be added in the final (paper) version.

Á.DEL.A and ÁPOL - meaning not clear

WRSARA - river Weser; Eastfrisian: Werser(n)

Other words of special interest:
(MENA) ÁCHT - (general) assembly; see [033/02-09]
BURCHFÁM - first lady of a stronghold (burgh, borough, bury)
FÁMNA - plur. of FÁM; see post
FOLK - da,fr,en,no,sw: folk; ic: fólk; du,ge: volk
GÁ, GO - ge: gau; fr: goa; du: gouw (province or shire)
MÁGÍ - king and high-priest of the Magyars and Finns; see [050/31 - 056/20]
MODER - usually refers to the 'Mother' of all FOLK, sometimes of a BURCH; see Laws on pp.15-18 and 23
SIBBA - ge: sippe; du: sibbe; (sib, kindred, relatives, tribesmen, family, clan, etc.); see post
VRESTE - du: overste; ge: oberste; en: uppermost, supreme

da - danish
du - dutch
en - english
fr - frisian
ge - german
ic - icelandic
sw - swedish
no - norse, norwegian