13 April 2019

Troy and Trojans in OLB

There are two mentions of Troy / Trojans in the OLB. In the translations below I have used proper nouns and names closer to the original spelling (for example: Kreeklanders for Greeks; Troya/ Troye for Troy).

p.75: HIA KÉMON FON TROJA ~ they were from Troya
p.199: (...) KÉMON (...) FON TRÔJE ~ (...) came from Troye / TRÔJE ALSA HETH.ÉNE STÉDE ~ Troye was the name of a city / THÁ THA TRÔJANA (...) NEST.LED WÉRON (...) ~ After the Trojans had nestled (...)

  • 10a. Ulysses’ Quest for a Lamp, ca. 1190 BCE?
THIS KÉNING WAS THRVCH ÉNE PRESTERESSE FAR.SÉID THAT ER KÉNING [20] WERTHA SKOLDE OVIR ALLA KRÉKA.LÁNDA This king [Ulysses (1)] was foretold by a priestess to become king over all of the Kreeklands
SA.R RÉD WISTE VMBE.N FODDIK TO KRÉJANDE THÉR VPSTÉKEN WAS ANDA FODDIK IT TEX.LÁND. if he managed to get a lamp that was lighted at the one of Texland.
VMBER TO FENSANE HÉDER FÉLO SKÀTA MITH BROCHT. BOPPA [25] ELLA. FÁMNE SÍRHÉDUM. ALSA THÉR IN VR.ALDA NAVT SKÉNENER MÁKAD WRDE. To obtain this, he had brought great treasures, above all jewelry for maidens, more beautiful than that made anywhere else in the world;
HIA KÉMON FON TROJA EN STEDE THAM THA KRÉKALANDAR INNIMTH HÉDON. they were from Troya, a city that the Kreeklanders had conquered.
AL THISSA SKÀTA BÁD HI THA MODER AN. [30] MEN THJU MODER NILDE NÁRNE FON NÉTA. All these treasures were offered to the Mother, but she did not want to hear a word about it.

(1) ‘Ulysses’ (ÛLYSUS) is (also) the later Latin name for the Greek hero Odysseus, but the Latin authors could have this name from an older, different source or tradition.

  • 19b. Streams of Blood, ca. 50 BCE?
THA HÉINDA KRÉKA.LANDA HÀVON VS TOFARA ALLÉNA TO HÉRATH. MEN SUNT VNHÜGLIKA TIDUM HÀVON RA THÉR ÁK ÀFTER.KVMANDA FON [15] LYDA ÀND FON FINDA NITHER SET. The Near-Kreeklands [± Italy] used to belong only to us, but since times immemorial, descendants of Lyda and Finda have also settled there.
FON THA LERSTA KÉMON TO THA LERSTA EN ÉLE HÁPE FON TRÔJE. Of the latter, many ended up coming from Troye, eventually.
TRÔJE ALSA HETH.ÉNE STÉDE HÉTEN THÉR ET FOLK FON THA FÉRE KRÉKA.LANDA INNOMTH ÀND VRHOMELT [20] HETH. (Troye was the name of a city that was conquered and destroyed by the folk of the Far-Kreeklands [± Greece].)
THÁ THA TRÔJANA TO THA HÉINDA KRÉKA LANDUM NEST.LED WÉRON. After the Trojans had nestled in the Near-Kreeklands,
THÁ HÀVON HJA THÉR MITH TID ÀND FLIT ÉNE STERKE STÉD MITH WÁLLA ÀND BURGUM BVWED ROME THAT IS RUM HÉTEN. with rigor and vigor they built a bastion of walls and towers, named Rome — meaning [roomy or renown?].
THA [25] THAT DÉN WAS HETH THÀT FOLK HIM SELVA THRVCH LEST ÀND WELD FON THÀT ÉLE LÁND MÁSTER MÁKED. When that was done, this folk succeeded in mastering the whole land by deceit or through force.
THAT FOLK THAT ANDA SÛD.SIDE THÉRE MIDDEL.SÉ HÉMTH IS FÁR.ET MÁRA DÉL FON FHONÍSJA [30] WÉI KVMEN. The folk living on the south coast of the Middle-Sea mostly originate from Phoenicia.
THA FHONÍSJAR SEND EN BASTRED FOLK. HJA SEND FON FRYA.S BLOD. ÀND FON FINDA.S BLOD [200/01] ÀND FON LYDA HIS BLOD. The Phoenicians are a bastard folk; a mix of Frya's, Finda's and Lyda's blood.
THÀT FOLK FON LYDA SEND THÉR AS SLÁVONA. MEN THRVCH THA VNTUCHT THÉR WÍVA HÀVON THISSA SWARTE MÀNNISKA AL.ET ÔRA FOLK BASTRED [5] ÀND BRUN VRFÀRVET. The Lyda folk are there as slaves, but the lewdness of the women allowed these black people to bastardise all other folks and dye them brown.
THIT FOLK ÀND THAM FON ROME KÀMPATH ÒLÁN VMB ET MÁSTERSKIP FON THA MIDDEL.SÉ. This [Phoenician] folk and the Romans constantly fight for rule over the Middle-Sea, and they live at enmity with each other.(1)
KIRT VRLÉDEN WAS THÉR THA VRESTE THÉRA GOLUM SÉTEN VPPA THÉRE BURCH THÉR IS KÉTHEN KÉRENÀK. THAT IS HERNE. Until recently, the supreme of the Gols [Gauls/ Gaels?] resided there at the burg named Kearenek — or Kearenherne —,
HWANATH HI SIN BIFÉLA JEF AN ALLE ÒRA GOLA. ÁK WAS [25] THÉR AL HJARA GOLD TOGÁDUR BROCHT. from where he commanded all other Gols and where all their gold was gathered.
KÉREN.HERNE JEFTHA KÉREN.ÀK IS ÉNE STÉNE BURCH THÉR ÉR AN KÀLTA HÉRDE. (Kearenherne — ‘chosen horn or hook’ — is a stone burg that once belonged to Kelta.)
THÉRVMBE WILDON THA FÁMNA FON THA ÀFTERKVMANDE THÉRA KÀLTANA [30] FOLGAR THA BURCH WITHER HÁ. Thus, the maidens of the descendants of the Kelta followers wanted it back.
ALSA WAS THRVCH THA FÍANSKIP THÉRA FÁMNA ÀND THÉRA GOLUM. FAITHE ÀND TWIST [201/01] IN OVIR THÀT BERCH.LAND KVMEN MITH MORTH ÀND BRÔND. Due to the enmity between the maidens and the Gols, feud and strife had come into the mountainous land, bringing with it murder and fire.

(1) Probably referring to the Punic Wars (264 - 146 BCE).

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