22 March 2020

temporary post with images related to OLB

Themes (with overlap):

arch.-based reconstr. 900 BCE woman
Frisian fibula
remains of smashed wheel in Cologne museum, 2nd-3rd centtury
Indus valley find

bowl found in NL estimated as 7th century

wheel of reincarnation, India

amulet Indus Valley

slave's neck chain

Minoan 1400 BCE
Roman slaves
3 4
1 2 3 4

19th century people, OLB reception
1872 cartoon
1877 cartoon
dr J.G. Ottema


C. Over de Linden

Over de Linden

model by Over de Linden c.1840


1 2 3 4

500 BCE reconstr.
Nearchus-Alexander 325 BCE

1573 map Friesland
1st century Germanic tribes
4th century Teutonic migrations
German dialects 1910
Doggersbank sea map 1781
14th century Europe
Pomponius Mela
3 4

Women, maidens, virgins, priestesses
"Awakening" by Selene Regener (2014)
writing woman with Minerva and Fama 1643
Vestal virgins 1781
N. vd Waay 1

queen Guinevere
churchgoing orphan girls
2 3 4
link Vestal virgins at fire altar (black-white 1783 etching)
link vd. Waay - orphan girls going to church

1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4

saint Catherine
Krodo in Saxon Chronicle 1492


wheel of Fortune
spinning wheel
3 4
1 2 3 4

Religion various
medieval idol worship
Frisian king Redbad refuses baptism
Buddha and companion?
burning books at Ephesus

Bog Rod
3 4
1 2 3 4

Minerva/ Athena
Freya and Heimdall
2 3 4
1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4

1933 - 1943
dr H. Wirth
Dutch agrarian union
Wewelsburg landscape design

'wheel-cross' in booklet for SS-families

'yule-lantern', December gift to SS families

wheel on SS Chiemsee Cauldron

1939 mother's brooch by Otto Gahr

1 2 3 4

Various, modern
3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4

05 March 2020

Classical sources referred to by Ottema (1878)

(the more significant ones)

Dr. J.G. Ottema, (1878)
Historical notes and clarifications to Oera Linda
(2020 English edited translation with links to sources)

A work in progress

Author Title Original English Translation Part(s)
Arrian (c.85-c.160 CE) Anabasis of Alexander I-VII Greek (Perseus) 1884 Wikisource 5.4, 6.17-21, 6.28
 ,, Indica (Anabasis VIII)
1933 Fordham ch.33
Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE) Gallic War Latin (Perseus) 1869 Perseus 1.31, 3.12-13, 5.14, 6.21-28
Cassius Dio (c.155-c.235 CE) Roman History Greek (Perseus) 1927 Lac.Curt. 53.12
Diodorus Siculus (c.90-c.30 BCE) Library of History Greek (Perseus) var. Lac.Curt. 5.27-28
Herodotus (c.485-c.425 BCE) Histories Greek (Perseus) 1920 Perseus 1.145, 4.44, 5.16, 7.125-126
(various?) c.300-400 CE? Historia Augusta Latin (Lac.Curt.) var. (see Latin) Aurelian 44, Carus e.a. 14, Sev. Alex. 60
Homer (c.750 BCE?) Odyssey Greek (Perseus) 1919 Perseus 8.121
Livy (c.60 BCE-c.15 CE) History of Rome Latin (Perseus) 1929 Perseus 21.8
Plato (c.425-c.345 BCE) TimaeusGreek (Elpenor)1871 (see Greek)/ 1925 Perseus24e-25d
 ,, CritiasGreek (Perseus)1925 Perseus113a-121c
Pliny the Elder (24-79 CE) Natural History Latin (Perseus) 1855 Perseus 8.17, 9.57
Plutarch (c.45-c.120 CE) Isis and Osiris Greek (Perseus) 1936 Lac.Curt/ Perseus ch.12
 ,, Virtues of Women Greek (Perseus) 1874 Perseus ex.6
 ,, Parallel Lives Greek (Perseus) >1923 Lac.Curt Demetrius, Demetrius vs. Antony, Pompey
Pomponius Mela (c.40 CE) Description of the World Latin (Hathi) 1998 Hathi 1.27-32, 3.48-51
Saxo Grammaticus (c.1160-c.1220 CE) Historia Danica Latin (pdf 1839) 1905 Gutenberg/ Sacred Texts lib. I-III, V
Strabo (c.65 BCE-c.25 CE) Geography Greek (Perseus) 1903 Perseus/ 1917-1932 Lac.Curt 1.3.4, 2.3.4-6, 6.1.6, 7.2.3, 8.7.1, 15.1.66-67
Suetonius (c.70-c.125 CE) Lives of the Caesars Latin (Lac.Curt) 1889 Perseus/ 1913 (see Latin) Vitellus 14
Tacitus (c.55-c.120 CE) Annals Latin (Perseus) 1873 Perseus 2.6
 ,, Germany and its Tribes Latin (Lat.Lib./ Perseus) 1873 Perseus 3, 6-8, 12-15, 17-21, 23, 26, 35, 44
 ,, History I-V Latin (Lat.Lib.Perseus) 1873 Perseus 4.61-65
 ,, Life of Agricola Latin (Perseus) 1876 Perseus 11

04 February 2020

Ottema's OL publications and where to find them

Dr. J.G. Ottema, ca. 1875
In Chronological order

Used abbreviations:
  • FG - Friesch Genootschap (Frisian Society)
  • GAO1/ GAO2 - Geschiedkundige aanteekeningen en ophelderingen bij Thet Oera Linda Bok (Historical notes and clarifications to the OLB) 1st (1873) and 2nd (1878) extended edition
  • HC - Heldersche Courant (newspaper)
  • LC - Leeuwarder Courant (newspaper)
  • OLB1/ OLB2 - Thet Oera Linda Bok 1st (1872) and 2nd (1876) corrected edition
  • NS - Nederlandsche Spectator
  • SB - Sandbach translation of OLB1 (1876)

Also of use: list of classical sources referred to by Ottema (1878)

date d/m/y
title and description
Feb. 1871
Der Friezen herkomst volgens het boek van Adela (Origin of the Frisians according to Adela's book) - lecture FG, partly in LC (29-8-1871) and as Inleiding (introduction) in OLB1 and OLB2
Eene reis langs den Rijn in de zesde eeuw voor Christus (A journey along the Rhine in the 6th century BC) - LC [this was merely a fragment of Ottema's transliteration p. 108-118 (Apollania’s Journey), without any commentary]
Thet Bok thêra Adela folstar (The book of Adela's followers) - reply to mr. Colmjon in LC
Friesch handschrift in het bezit van den Heer C. Over de Linden te Helder (The Frisian manuscript of mr. C. Over de Linden, Helder) - HC [this article is identical to the one in LC of 19-9 (reply to Colmjon), only the title is different]
Adela's boek. Brief aan mr L. Ph.C. van den Bergh (Adela's book. Letter to mr vd Bergh) - NS [original not found yet]
Thet Oera Linda Bok (1st edition translation + transcript, incl. list of improvements) - * please use 2nd corrected edition (1876)
Vergelijkende taalproeve van de Oud Friesche wetten, en de taal van het handschrift (Experimental comparison of the manuscript-language relative to that of the Old Frisian laws) - in OLB1 and OLB2
[GAO1] Geschiedkundige aanteekeningen en ophelderingen bij Thet Oera Linda Bok (Historical notes and clarifications to the OLB) 1st edition - * please use 2nd extended edition (1878)
Germanen (Germanic peoples) - addendum to GAO1 and GAO2 (5 pages)
May 1874
De Koninklijke Akademie en het Oera Linda Boek (The Royal Academy and the OLB) - brochure 20 pages
De Deventer Courant en het Oera Linda Boek (The Deventer Newspaper and the OLB) - lecture FG, later brochure 29 pages (june)
Sept. 1876
Voorbericht (preface) to OLB2
Oct. 1876
Leeuwarden, de Middelzee en het Oera Linda Boek - brochure 5 pages [this short essay is included in GAO2; p.34-37 "Van den beginne af ... ter plaatse heeft bevonden."]
Het handschrift van Thet Oera Linda Bok heeft al langen tijd vóór het jaar 1600 bestaan (The OLB manuscript existed long before 1600) - FC, later added to OLB2 (4 pages)
Oct. 1876
Thet Oera Linda Bok (2nd edition translation + transcript)
reply to Wie heeft het Oera Linda Boek geschreven? (Who wrote the OLB) - FC, later added to GAO2 (2 pages)
reply to De Pandschâb Kolonie van het Oera Linda bok (The Punjab colony of the OLB) - FC, later added to GAO2 (3 pages)
[GAO2] Geschiedkundige aanteekeningen en ophelderingen bij Thet Oera Linda Bok (Historical notes and clarifications to the OLB) 2nd extended edition