Some modern cognates: ripe - English rijp - Dutch ryp - Frisian, Afrikaans reif - German Use in the OLB: [006/28] RING AS HJA RIP WÉRON KRÉION HJA FRÜCHDA ÀND NOCHTA ANDA DRÁMA. As they matured [lit. were ripe], they became fruitful and dreamed of pleasure.
[071/26] THENE KRODER SKIL JETA FIF.THUSAND. JÉR MITH SIN JOL OMME.HLÁPA BIFARA THÀT FINDA.S.FOLK RIP TOFARA FRYDOM SY. the Carrier shall have to go around with the Yule for five thousand years before Finda's folk will be ripe for freedom.