31 October 2020

Wralda and Æwa ~ audiovisual

"‘Wr-alda’ is the most-ancient..." [098/07].
"With the Wheel turning..." [099/26].
"Whereas his life is continually progressing..." [102/09].
"Aewa refers to the rules..." [032/03].

13 September 2020

Oera Linda video introduction - Subverted History series

This is by far the best introduction into the Oera Linda book to date, made by Asha Logos.
Part 2 (5.2 of the series) here.

Watch the whole Subverted History series here.

Description of the video (on Sept. 14), by Asha Logos:
One of the most striking discrepancies between how we currently understand our history, and how it was understood and presented by those of previous eras, is in the extent of the connection between the ancestors of modern western mankind to ancient Mesopotamia, Persia, India, Greece and Macedonia and Troy, the Steppes.. and one could go on.

Nearly every source authored prior to the mid 1900's that touches on the subject matter and the origins of European peoples, stretching back to Homer and the Vedas, speaks of these strong connections, and implies frequent travels and migrations. I've come to believe such connections are stronger than most might imagine.

In these videos we'll examine what may be one of the most important sources of such history - authored from within a 'seed' or 'nest' population, quite possibly a key origin point of the *waves* of migration that seem to have taken place over the past few thousand years.

Some final notes:
In our age, with examples of the healthy feminine almost completely lacking, and opposite examples to be found everywhere, I think its difficult to envision just how positively this deep love and devotion might have manifested when springing from a healthy and well-oriented mind, directed exclusively towards one's kin, nation, and extended family.. as opposed to a chaotic dissipation in 360 degrees - on cats, refugees, characters on TV, and everything in between. The vestal-virgin/burg-maiden conception makes more sense, in this light.

Lastly - though kindly, noble, and just, this wasn't a pacifistic population. Much like the Spartans or Goths, they don't seem to have *sought out* wars, or fought them lightly - but their martial prowess seems to have been legendary.. aided by a far larger stature and frame than neighboring populations, mandated military training for every male at least once every seven days, and a prudent hierarchical structure which we'll cover in the next videos. Their mastery of the high seas may well be inextricably linked with the later British, Dutch, and Nordic dominance.

There is much, much more to say.. I look forward to the next productions.

Timeline with sources and fragments used in the video (more may be added later):
0:00:18 - 5:50 Video fragments used from "Immortal Symbols 1941".
0.00.30 OLB: "Okke, my son, ..." [00a/01-05].
0:05:20 OLB: "It comes from the east..." (Sandbach version) [142/10-19].
0:05:39 OLB: "For our beloved ancestors' sake" [00b/01-21]; see video fragment "Royal Obligations"
0:06:48 Ottema: "Vollmer's dictionary of Mythology..." from "Historical notes and clarifications to Oera Linda" (1878) p. 44, Eng. translation by me.
0:07:52 OLB "‘Wr-alda’ is the most-ancient..." [098/07] - [099/06]; see video fragment "Wralda and Æwa"
0:08:47 Correction: quote continues ("Wralda established eternal principles..."), so ignore "endquote".
0:09:13 OLB "With the Wheel turning..." [099/26-32]; see video fragment "Wralda and Æwa"
0:09:29 OLB "Whereas his life is continually progressing..." [102/09-18]; see video fragment "Wralda and Æwa"
0:09:53 OLB "Aewa refers to the rules..." [032/03-21]; see video fragment "Wralda and Æwa"
0:13:40 End of Preface, start of Introduction.
0:13:55 Correction: "... through his grandfather, who in turn had recieved it from an aunt"; must be "... through an aunt, who [...] from his grandfather ".
0:14:04 "Verwijs" is pronounced -wise, -wice or -weyes.
0:14:36 Ottema: "We may thus accept..." from Ottema's introduction, last paragraph (translation Sandbach).
0:15:24 Correction: "In 1922..." must be 1933.
0:41:22 OLB: "How the bad times came..." [049/11] - [050/18]; see video fragment "Bad Times"
0:48:21 OLB: "When these apparent slaves had learned our language..." [003/08] - [004/02] (an earlier version of the translation was used in the video).
0:49:58 OLB: "When Nyhellenia [or Hellenia]..." [033/22] - [038/30]; see video fragment "Minerva"
0:57:10 OLB: "Those who come to the market..." [020/32] - [021/08]; see video fragment "Usury"
0:59:06 OLB: "The Geartmen I can readily pass by..." [132/01-05].
1:00:10 Saxon Chronicle (1492 and 1589): "I find written..."; original fragment in blogpost Saxons from Alexander's Army.

31 August 2020

RIP - ripe

Some modern cognates:
ripe - English
rijp - Dutch
ryp - Frisian, Afrikaans
reif - German

Use in the OLB:

As they matured [lit. were ripe], they became fruitful and dreamed of pleasure.

the Carrier shall have to go around with the Yule for five thousand years before Finda's folk will be ripe for freedom.

31 July 2020

The End of the Last Mother

G. Battista Torriglia; "A maiden at work"
‘Frana, since you are clairvoyant, tell me if I shall be master of all Frya's lands and nations!’

At first Frana ignored him, but finally she opened her lips and spoke: ‘My eyes are blurred, but the inner light of my soul emerges... Yes, I can see... Hear Earth, and rejoice with me!

When Aldland drowned, the first spoke of the Yule wheel stood at the top. Then it went down and so did our freedom. When two more spokes or two thousand years have passed, however, the sons who are born out of fornication between princes and priests and the folk will stand up and speak out against their fathers. These sons will all be murdered. But what they shall have said will be remembered and bear fruit in the hearts of resolute people, like good seeds that were laid in your soil.

Another thousand years the spoke shall descend and ever more sink into darkness and blood, shed over you when princes and priests deceive. But then the red of dawn will start glowing again. Seeing that, the false princes and priests will join forces to keep freedom down. But freedom, love and unity will strengthen the folk and rise out of the gutter with the wheel of time. The light that started as a glimmer, will eventually turn into a flame. Blood of the villains will flow over you, O Earth, but you must not absorb it. Toxic creatures will drink it and perish. All vile histories that were made up to propagate the princes and priests will be offered to the flames. Finally, your children shall all live in peace.’ When she had spoken, she collapsed.

The magus had not understood her well and cried: ‘I asked you, if I shall master all Frya's lands and nations, but you spoke to someone else!’ Frana straightened up, stared at him and spoke: ‘Within one week, your soul shall wander about graves with the night birds, and your corpse will lie on the bottom of the sea.’ ‘Very well,’ said the magus, hiding his rage, ‘tell them I am coming.’ And to one of his men: ‘Throw that woman overboard.’

That was the end of the last Mother.

16 June 2020

KNI, KNÍ, KNY - knee, 'degree of kinship'

[Added 18-5-24:] A relation to English kin, and Latin genus (→ genetics, genealogy, gender) seems obvious (as well as kind and kennen). Compare Middle Dutch Cnie ]
man kneeling at a love-altar,
between 1762-1825

woman kneeling at a death-altar,
18th century

Some varieties of the word:
knee - English
knie - Dutch, German, Afrikaans
knæ - Danish
kne - Norse
knä - Swedish
hné - Icelandic
genou - French
genu, geniculum - Latin

In the Oera Linda texts, the word is used in two different contexts: 
  • KNIBUWGJANDE TÁNK - 'knee-bending thanks': fragments 2 and 3
  • SJUGONDE/ FJARDE KNY/ KNÍ - seventh/ fourth degree: fragments 1, 4 and 5

1. [010/17]
When she had raised her children to the seventh generation (or: degree)

2. [011/26]
To Wralda's spirit alone should the knee be bent in gratitude
[lit. "... dedicate knee-bending thanks"]

3. [012/06]
Never accept obeisance* from your kinsmen
[*obeisance (excessively servile gratitude) — lit.: knee-bending thanks]

4. [016/03]
they shall not be succeeded by relatives nearer than the fourth degree

5. [022/28]
[then] he may not be succeeded by a relative nearer than the fourth degree
[lit. "no relative may succeed him..."]

23 May 2020

Where to start a journey (deeper) into Oera Linda?

Depending on your main interest and the knowledge you already have, here are some suggestions for diving (deeper) into Oera Linda-book (OLB) studies:


'Subverted History' series by Asha Logos: part 5.1, part 5.2 and part 5.3

Primary sources:

New English OLB translation, with transliteration* and (line-numbered) facsimile, by Jan Ott. (*reconstruction of pronunciation)

Publications by dr. Ottema about OLB (1871-1878, incl. his edition of the book), translated into English.

Two worst mistakes in first OLB publication (Ottema/ Sandbach)

Summary of the main conventional doctrine proposed in 2004 by Goffe Jensma (currently Professor of Frisian Language and Literature; University of Groningen).

OLB library online: here; list of existing translations: here.

Selection of blog posts with in depth analyses (and other):


2021, July 7 "Implausible hoax doctrine"

2021, July 3 "Frisian Antiquities (1875) — English translation" 

2021, June 24 "Notes on the Over de Linden family"

2021, June 23 "Language too modern?"


2016, March 4 "Hoax-theory claims debunked"

2018, Feb. 12 "Did Cornelis Over de Linden hide something?"
(A reconstruction based on witness accounts.)

2018, March 8 "Haverschmidt had a Life"
(Why the suspects of the conventional doctrine should be absolved.)

2016, Sept. 12 "Proof that ±2200 BCE flood was known"
(Why OLB's authenticity is not sufficiently established by evidence of a 4.2 kiloyear event alone.)

2018, Sept. 19 "The Oera Linda paper research fail"
(Why a proper investigation is desirable.)

2019, March 17 "The 'Daughters of Frya' hoax"
(How easy it is to be misled.)

Students by Jan Luyken 1712

Blog posts illustrating the 'world view' or 'religion' of the OLB:

2018, Aug. 13 "The Wralda View"
2018, Aug. 15 "Frya and her Tex"
2018, Aug. 17 "The Carrier and his Yule"
2018, Aug. 23 "Grandmother Earth"

How did the OLB vowels sound? here

Video explorations/ experiments:

Dec. 2013/ May 2018. Saved from the Flood (1 hour, available in English, German, Dutch, Norse, Frisian) with some explorations and criticisms of the conventional doctrine. It contains both basic and advanced topics.

May 2018. A video reply in two parts with examples of word-studies and discussions.

Selection of relevant Norse saga literature sources (English translations),
not previously considered in the conventional approach yet,
and particularly related to OLB section 8ab (ca. 2090 BCE) [050/19 - 060/11]:

Ynglingasaga; part of Heimskringla or The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway, by Snorri Sturlson (c.1179-1241), translation 1844 by S. Laing; on Sacred Texts website.

How Norway was inhabited; part of Of Fornjot and His Kinsmen (Legendary saga), translation 2011 by G.L. Hardman; on Germanic Mythology website.

[More may be added later]

First image: students in costumes, ca. 1880

30 April 2020

"a plague had come"

The anemic lady, ca. 1667
by Samuel van Hoogstraten
Once, when a plague had come to the land, they came with a crowd of people, and said: ‘We are all making offerings to the gods, so they might ward off the plague. Will you not help to calm their wrath, or did you bring the plague over the land with your arts?’

‘No,’ Minerva said, ‘since I do not know any gods that do evil, I cannot ask them to be nicer. I only know one “god” — that is Wralda’s spirit — and because “god” means good, he also does no evil.’

‘Where does evil come from then?’ the priests asked.

‘All evil comes from yourselves and from the stupidity of the people that walk into your trap.’

‘So if your supreme being is all that good, then why does he not avert evil?’ the priests asked.

Hellenia answered: ‘Frya has put us on the path, and the Carrier that is time must do the rest. For all disasters, counsel and help can be found, but Wralda wants us to search ourselves, so we shall become strong and wise. If we refuse, he lets us squeeze out our own tumors, so we shall experience the results of wise and foolish deeds.’

A prince replied: ‘I would imagine it better to simply ward off disaster.’

‘Of course,’ Hellenia answered, ‘because then people would remain like tame sheep. You and the priests want to protect, but also to shear and slaughter them. But that is not what our supreme being wants. He wants us to help each other, but also that all be free and become wise.

Because we want that too, our folk elects our leaders, aldermen, counselors, and all chieftains and masters from the wisest of the good people, so all will do their best to become wise and good. This way, we will know and teach the folks at the same time, that only being wise and acting wisely leads to glory.’

‘That is quite a statement,’ the priests said, ‘but if you imply that the plague is a result of our ignorance, then would Nyhellenia be so good as to live up to her proud name and enlighten us?’

Writer sharpening his quill,
1784 by Jan Ekels jr.
‘Yes’, Hellenia said. ‘Crows and other birds only feed on foul carrion, whereas the plague not only likes foul carrion, but also foul ethics, customs, and addictions. If you want the plague to leave for good, you must overcome the addictions and all must become pure, inside and out.’

‘We want to believe your counsel is good’, said the priests, ‘but tell us how we are supposed to improve all the people under our rule?’

Then Hellenia rose from her seat and said: ‘The sparrows follow the sower, the folks their good leaders. Therefore, you must begin by purifying yourselves, so that you may look within and without, without turning red from shame before your own conscience. Now, instead of purifying the people, you have invented foul feasts where they drink so excessively that they end up rooting in the mud like pigs, ready to satisfy your vile lusts.’