Whether the Oera Linda-book (OLB) is authentic or not, it did help me find a plausible answer to a question I had since I started reading about the HERULI or HERULS: What is the original meaning of their name? Even Danish specialist Troels Brandt did not seem to know.
This is what Wikipedia says:
The Heruli (...) were a nomadic Germanic people, who were subjugated by the Ostrogoths, Huns, and Byzantines in the 3rd to 5th centuries. The name is related to earl (see erilaz) and was probably an honorific military title.
Troels Brandt:
"Ellegaard claimed, that the Heruls were not a tribe or a people but a group of warriors formed by the Romans around 300 AD in Castra Batava. (...) Ellegaard's theory about the Heruls starting as a German warrior group in Castra Batava (Passau at Danube 250 west of Vienna) in the 4th century is based on a hypothetical fellowship with the Bataves in Castra Batava. However the only common stamps between Heruls and Bataves are the reports of mercenaries from Ammanius about campaigns in England and at the Rhine. Probably the Roman use of the two people together was due to their livingplaces in Frisia near the Rhine, where the Bataves were mentioned from around year 0 and the Heruls from 286 AD." (par.
So the Heruli were a group of (traveling) warriors or mercenaries, possibly of Frisian or Fryan origin.
In the language of the OLB there are two words that would - in combination - make perfect sense, as the origin of the name "HERULI":
oldschool Dutch: heir
Danish + Norwegian: hær
Swedish: här
German: Heer
combinations: (see appendix 1 and 3)
hêrman, hêrtoga (army-man or -leader, warlord, duke)
hêra-râve (army-plunder)
Dutch: lui, lieden
German: leute
combinations: (see appendix 2)
ambachtisljud (crafts-people)
kâpljud (trade-people)
Northljud (Nordic people)
skipljud (ship-people)
timberljud (woodwork-people)
The combination HÊRLJUD is not found in OLB, but would have made perfect sense, meaning: army-people
In more modern Dutch this would have become: heirlui or heirlieden (synonym: krijgsvolk),
and in German: Heerleute (a known term, with synonym: Kriegsmannschaft)
Specially in the Dutch version HEIRLUI or HÊRLUI, it's easy to see how this word would have evolved into HERULI and later ERULI etcetera.
- - - - - -
OLB quotes from Ottema transliteration, pagenumbers referring to original manuscript.
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appendix 1 ~ HÊR: ARMY (NL: HEIR)
hêr [p.51,54,55,56,120,122,131]
~ hêrman (army-man or -leader) [p.22,53(2x),66]
~ hyrman ,, [p.05(2x)]
~ ~ (plur.) hêrmannon [p.16], hêrmanna [p.21]
~ hêrtoga (army-man or -leader) [p.3,5,131(2x),209(2x)]
~ ~ hyrtogum ,, (plur.) [p.2]
~ hêra-râve (army-plunder) [p.201]
[p.002] thrvch thåt gyrich sa thêra hyrtogum ånd thêra êthelinga
[p.003] thâ klivadon hja tha hêrtoga ånd êthelinga an bord
[p.005] Njvgun wâra is-er to hêrtoga, thåt is to hyrman, kêren
[p.005] Fjvwers is-er hyrman wêsen
[p.016] fon tha alda hêrmannon thene kunst fon tha orloch
[p.021] thâ kêm-er fon selva lândwêr hêrmanna kêninggar ånd orloch.
[p.022] Is hwa sjvgun jêr kjasar, sâ mêi hi hêlpa en hêrman jeftha kêning to kjasane
[p.051] hja skifton hjara selva an twam hâpa, ek hêr gvng sines wêiges.
[p.053] Ênes was er hêrman wêst.
[p.053] kêron hja Wodin to hjara hêrman jefta kåning ut,
[p.054] dêlde Wodîn sin weldich hêr an thri wiga.
[p.055] lik een hêjel buje kêmon hja ajn Wodin-is hêr
[p.056] ånd tha stjurar gvngon to skip ånd en hêr fon drista Finna gvngen as rojar mitha.
[p.066] Helprik thene hêrman lêt-im in banna
[p.120] mith en weldich hêr fon boppa allingen thêr strâm vsa thorpa bifâra.
[p.122] Nw wilder selva sêkêning wertha, ånd mith êl sin hêr thju Gonga vpfâra.
[p.131] Hja tâgon immer forth en thet hêr wårth al grâter.
[p.131] kêm er en hêrtoga fon Lindasburch wêi
[p.131] Thi hêrtoga warth to kêning kêren
[p.201] mith lofte fon grâte hêra-râve ånd but.
[p.209] hjâ skolde ênen hêrtoga fon sin folk kjasa
[p.209] nêi thrija sjugun etmelde kêron hja Alrik to-ra hertoga ut
(oldfashioned Dutch) heir = (Danish + Norwegian) hær = (Swedish) här = (German) Heer = (English) army
(Swedish) härja = (Danish) hærge = (Norwegian) herje = (English) to ravage
- - - - - -
appendix 2 ~ LJU(D)/ LJV(D): PEOPLE
(Dutch: lui, lieden; German: leute)
ljvd [p.2,39(2x),54]
ljud [p.30,66(2x),67,144,145]
=== 10x
ljvda [p.56,59]
ljuda [p.3,66,71(2x),73,85,137,139,142,157(2x),159(2x),160,163,164,166,168]
ljvdum [p.57(2x)]
ljudum [p.65,66,89,119,120,128]
=== 28x
Specified people
ambachtisljud (craftspeople) [p.149,153]
kâpljvd (tradepeople) [p.27,48,59]
kâpljud (,,) [p.30,166]
kâpljuda (,,; plur.) [p.61]
Northljud (Nordic people) [p.131]
skipljuda (boatspeoples; plur.) [p.97]
timberljud (woodworkpeople) [p.122,150]
=== 12x
topographic names
Ljvdburch [p.5]
Ljvdgârda [p.5]
Ljudgârda [p.116]
Ljudgarda [p.113]
Ljudgârde [p.116]
Ljudgârdne [p.143(2x)]
Ljudwardja [p.113(2x)]
Ljudwerd [p.b]
Ljvdwerd [p.143]
Ljuwert [p.a]
Ljvwrd [p.143]
Ljvwerde [p.206]
=== 14x
personal name
Ljudgêrt [p.88,120,168]
Ljudgêrth [p.163]
=== 4x
TOTAL = 68x (of which spellings with "v": 16 = 24%)
[p.00a] Skrêven to Ljuwert (1256 AD)
[p.00b] Skrêven to Ljudwerd (803 AD)
[p.002] wi ne skoldon nên vnfrya ljvd by vs tolêta
[p.003] Men sin ljuda dêdon mâr
[p.005] Tha bvrga Ljvdgârda, Lindahêm, ånd Stâvja
[p.005] Tha burga Aken, Ljvdburch ånd Kâtsburch
[p.027] Tha kâpljvd moton kêren ånd binomath wertha
[p.030] Thus, sahwersa-r kâpljud kêren wrde vmbe wr-a merka to gâ
[p.030] that-er en årg man mông sy, tham tha ljud bitrogha wil
[p.039] Tha-k althus wêi faren was mith mina ljvd fon Athenia
[p.039] en êland thrvch min ljvd Krêta hêten
[p.048] Buta ånd bihalva hêdon vsa stjurar ånd kâpljvd mêni loge
[p.054] Thâ thene Mâgy fornôm ho sin ljvd al ombrocht wrdon
[p.056] Fêlo Mâgjara flodon mith hjara ljvda båk ward
[p.057] Hi skold alsa mith sinum ljvdum fon lek ånd brek omkomth håve
[p.057] thêr hi mith tha ljvdum frêthoch lêva machte
[p.059] Thâ kêmon tha kâpljvd ånd bâdon hi skolde twintich skêpa jêva
[p.059] ånd hja wildon him alsa fêlo ljvda to rojar jêva as-er jêrde
[p.061] tha wandeldon hjara kâpljuda skêne kâpre wêpne
[p.065] that er mith al sinum ljudum vpper Flyburch of gvng
[p.066] Men thrvch sin skelta bi nacht ånd svme sinra ljudum
[p.066] Dahwile al hira ljuda ståk ånd stif fon skrik standon
[p.066] Jon burch hin selva mith sin ljud vppa sina flâte
[p.066] Sin ljud ånd fêlo fon vs folk namon wif ånd bern skêp
[p.067] that mån hin ånd sin ljud lik misdêdar strafja wilde
[p.071] Men thâ klokeste hjarar ljuda kvmath helpa
[p.071] As hju thêran to stemad hêde, frêjath tha ljuda
[p.073] As Sêkrops sach that er mith sinum ljuda vsa wal navt biranna ne kv
[p.085] Thach gvngon sina ljuda drist wêi vppera burch to runnande
[p.088] Ljudgêrt, tham kêning thêr hêmesdêga fallen is
[p.089] sâ wrochten hja mistryvwa bitwiska tham ånd sinum ljudum
[p.097] Thêr kêmon thrê Fonysjar skipljuda thêr hja wrêvela wilde
[p.113] To Ljudwardja bin ik to Asga kêren
[p.113] Ljudwardja is en ny thorp, binna thene ringdik fon thêr burch Ljudgarda
[p.116] Ik kêm mith en fâm to thêre burch Ljudgârda
[p.116] Thêr tha Ljudgârde wêst hêde, was sê
[p.119] Fryso reste mith sinâ ljudum to Stavere
[p.120] Wichhirte gvng mith sinum ljudum astward nêi there Êmude
[p.120] Ljudgêrt thene skolte bi nachte fon Wichhirte
[p.122] Thrvch help vsar timberljud hêder thêr of skêpa mâkad
[p.128] Tha wi by tha alda hâve kêmon gvnger mith sina drista ljudum to
[p.131] Sont komath tha gode Northljud vâken to Texland vmb there Moder-is rêd
[p.137] lêrd-i an tha ljuda thåt hja nêne rika ner prestera tolêta moston
[p.139] thessa byldon jâvon hja antha vnårg thånkanda ljuda
[p.142] an hjara ljuda ånd slâvona tha bithjutnesse lêra
[p.143] ho tha Linda-wrda ånd tha Ljudgârdne vrdilgen send
[p.143] tha northlikka Ljudgârdne send thrvch thene salta sê bidelven
[p.143] Thêrvmbe is thåt ronddêl nw Ljvdwerd hêten.
[p.143] Tha stjurar segath Ljvwrd, men thåt is wansprêke.
[p.144] Friso thêr al weldich wêre thrvch sin ljud
[p.145] thâ wildon tha ljud fon alle wrda êne ôthere Moder kjasa
[p.149] men wi n-åvath nêne ambachtisljud ner bvwark
[p.150] mith burchwêpne, wod, hirbaken stên, timberljud, mirtselêra ånd smêda
[p.153] skipmâkar, smêda, sylmâkar, rêpmâkar ånd to fâra alle ôra ambachtisljud
[p.157] Dâna tâgon hju in over Stâverens wrde by hjara ljuda rond
[p.157] hja skoldon inna Minna mônath lichta ljuda to him senda
[p.159] thåt avbêr sêjed is thrvch goda ljuda by helle dêi
[p.159] thêr sêjed send thrvch bosa ljuda in-t forborgne
[p.160] Alle send slâvona wrden, tha ljuda fon hjara hêra
[p.163] skrêvin thrvch Ljudgêrth thene Gêrtmån
[p.163] welka ljuda mank thêr an stilnise by malkorum kvma
[p.164] Mâr tha prestera (...) lêton thi ljuda vpspêra ånd vrbarna
[p.166] Kvmat thêr fêrhêmande kâpljud vmb kêren to kâpjande
[p.166] Buta ånd bihalva thet tha ljuda thêr fül fon hjara forsta lyda
[p.168] Jow Ljudgêrt
[p.168] ther sina ljuda nimmerthe skolde... (pages missing)
[p.206] Middel in-t Krylwald biasten Ljvwerde lêith vsa fly jeftha wêra
- - - - - -
appendix 3 ~ HÊR: LORD (NL: HEER)
(I suppose this meaning of the word is derived from the combinations with -man and -toga.)
hêr [p.63]
~ (plur.) hêra [p.34,39,51,97,149,160,190,203]
[p.034] Tha hêra gvngon wêi
[p.039] Thach thåt folk was nên frydom wenth ånd tha hêra bilêvon welda nêi that ir god thochte.
[p.051] Tha prestera send tha engosta hêra, hja hêton hjara selva Mâgjara
[p.063] Thene hvnd sêide hju wâkt ovir sin hêr ånd ovira kidda
[p.097] Tha fêrhêmanda hêra kêmon hjara thjud askja.
[p.149] Midlar hwila hja thus kålta, kêmon mina bodon mitha Sêlândar hêra et sina hove.
[p.160] Alle send slâvona wrden, tha ljuda fon hjara hêra, fon nyd, bosa lusta ånd bigyrlikhêd.
[p.190] Forth namon hja alsa fêlo wiva, as-ra luste, ånd tha lithiga forsta ånd hêra dêdon al-ên.
[p.203] alsa skilun tha vrlandaska hêra hjara bern misbruka ånd frytra lêta
(Dutch) heer = (German + Swedish) Herr = (English) lord
This is what Wikipedia says:
The Heruli (...) were a nomadic Germanic people, who were subjugated by the Ostrogoths, Huns, and Byzantines in the 3rd to 5th centuries. The name is related to earl (see erilaz) and was probably an honorific military title.
Troels Brandt:
"Ellegaard claimed, that the Heruls were not a tribe or a people but a group of warriors formed by the Romans around 300 AD in Castra Batava. (...) Ellegaard's theory about the Heruls starting as a German warrior group in Castra Batava (Passau at Danube 250 west of Vienna) in the 4th century is based on a hypothetical fellowship with the Bataves in Castra Batava. However the only common stamps between Heruls and Bataves are the reports of mercenaries from Ammanius about campaigns in England and at the Rhine. Probably the Roman use of the two people together was due to their livingplaces in Frisia near the Rhine, where the Bataves were mentioned from around year 0 and the Heruls from 286 AD." (par.
So the Heruli were a group of (traveling) warriors or mercenaries, possibly of Frisian or Fryan origin.
In the language of the OLB there are two words that would - in combination - make perfect sense, as the origin of the name "HERULI":
oldschool Dutch: heir
Danish + Norwegian: hær
Swedish: här
German: Heer
combinations: (see appendix 1 and 3)
hêrman, hêrtoga (army-man or -leader, warlord, duke)
hêra-râve (army-plunder)
Dutch: lui, lieden
German: leute
combinations: (see appendix 2)
ambachtisljud (crafts-people)
kâpljud (trade-people)
Northljud (Nordic people)
skipljud (ship-people)
timberljud (woodwork-people)
The combination HÊRLJUD is not found in OLB, but would have made perfect sense, meaning: army-people
In more modern Dutch this would have become: heirlui or heirlieden (synonym: krijgsvolk),
and in German: Heerleute (a known term, with synonym: Kriegsmannschaft)
Specially in the Dutch version HEIRLUI or HÊRLUI, it's easy to see how this word would have evolved into HERULI and later ERULI etcetera.
- - - - - -
OLB quotes from Ottema transliteration, pagenumbers referring to original manuscript.
- - - - - -
appendix 1 ~ HÊR: ARMY (NL: HEIR)
hêr [p.51,54,55,56,120,122,131]
~ hêrman (army-man or -leader) [p.22,53(2x),66]
~ hyrman ,, [p.05(2x)]
~ ~ (plur.) hêrmannon [p.16], hêrmanna [p.21]
~ hêrtoga (army-man or -leader) [p.3,5,131(2x),209(2x)]
~ ~ hyrtogum ,, (plur.) [p.2]
~ hêra-râve (army-plunder) [p.201]
[p.002] thrvch thåt gyrich sa thêra hyrtogum ånd thêra êthelinga
[p.003] thâ klivadon hja tha hêrtoga ånd êthelinga an bord
[p.005] Njvgun wâra is-er to hêrtoga, thåt is to hyrman, kêren
[p.005] Fjvwers is-er hyrman wêsen
[p.016] fon tha alda hêrmannon thene kunst fon tha orloch
[p.021] thâ kêm-er fon selva lândwêr hêrmanna kêninggar ånd orloch.
[p.022] Is hwa sjvgun jêr kjasar, sâ mêi hi hêlpa en hêrman jeftha kêning to kjasane
[p.051] hja skifton hjara selva an twam hâpa, ek hêr gvng sines wêiges.
[p.053] Ênes was er hêrman wêst.
[p.053] kêron hja Wodin to hjara hêrman jefta kåning ut,
[p.054] dêlde Wodîn sin weldich hêr an thri wiga.
[p.055] lik een hêjel buje kêmon hja ajn Wodin-is hêr
[p.056] ånd tha stjurar gvngon to skip ånd en hêr fon drista Finna gvngen as rojar mitha.
[p.066] Helprik thene hêrman lêt-im in banna
[p.120] mith en weldich hêr fon boppa allingen thêr strâm vsa thorpa bifâra.
[p.122] Nw wilder selva sêkêning wertha, ånd mith êl sin hêr thju Gonga vpfâra.
[p.131] Hja tâgon immer forth en thet hêr wårth al grâter.
[p.131] kêm er en hêrtoga fon Lindasburch wêi
[p.131] Thi hêrtoga warth to kêning kêren
[p.201] mith lofte fon grâte hêra-râve ånd but.
[p.209] hjâ skolde ênen hêrtoga fon sin folk kjasa
[p.209] nêi thrija sjugun etmelde kêron hja Alrik to-ra hertoga ut
(oldfashioned Dutch) heir = (Danish + Norwegian) hær = (Swedish) här = (German) Heer = (English) army
(Swedish) härja = (Danish) hærge = (Norwegian) herje = (English) to ravage
- - - - - -
appendix 2 ~ LJU(D)/ LJV(D): PEOPLE
(Dutch: lui, lieden; German: leute)
ljvd [p.2,39(2x),54]
ljud [p.30,66(2x),67,144,145]
=== 10x
ljvda [p.56,59]
ljuda [p.3,66,71(2x),73,85,137,139,142,157(2x),159(2x),160,163,164,166,168]
ljvdum [p.57(2x)]
ljudum [p.65,66,89,119,120,128]
=== 28x
Specified people
ambachtisljud (craftspeople) [p.149,153]
kâpljvd (tradepeople) [p.27,48,59]
kâpljud (,,) [p.30,166]
kâpljuda (,,; plur.) [p.61]
Northljud (Nordic people) [p.131]
skipljuda (boatspeoples; plur.) [p.97]
timberljud (woodworkpeople) [p.122,150]
=== 12x
topographic names
Ljvdburch [p.5]
Ljvdgârda [p.5]
Ljudgârda [p.116]
Ljudgarda [p.113]
Ljudgârde [p.116]
Ljudgârdne [p.143(2x)]
Ljudwardja [p.113(2x)]
Ljudwerd [p.b]
Ljvdwerd [p.143]
Ljuwert [p.a]
Ljvwrd [p.143]
Ljvwerde [p.206]
=== 14x
personal name
Ljudgêrt [p.88,120,168]
Ljudgêrth [p.163]
=== 4x
TOTAL = 68x (of which spellings with "v": 16 = 24%)
[p.00a] Skrêven to Ljuwert (1256 AD)
[p.00b] Skrêven to Ljudwerd (803 AD)
[p.002] wi ne skoldon nên vnfrya ljvd by vs tolêta
[p.003] Men sin ljuda dêdon mâr
[p.005] Tha bvrga Ljvdgârda, Lindahêm, ånd Stâvja
[p.005] Tha burga Aken, Ljvdburch ånd Kâtsburch
[p.027] Tha kâpljvd moton kêren ånd binomath wertha
[p.030] Thus, sahwersa-r kâpljud kêren wrde vmbe wr-a merka to gâ
[p.030] that-er en årg man mông sy, tham tha ljud bitrogha wil
[p.039] Tha-k althus wêi faren was mith mina ljvd fon Athenia
[p.039] en êland thrvch min ljvd Krêta hêten
[p.048] Buta ånd bihalva hêdon vsa stjurar ånd kâpljvd mêni loge
[p.054] Thâ thene Mâgy fornôm ho sin ljvd al ombrocht wrdon
[p.056] Fêlo Mâgjara flodon mith hjara ljvda båk ward
[p.057] Hi skold alsa mith sinum ljvdum fon lek ånd brek omkomth håve
[p.057] thêr hi mith tha ljvdum frêthoch lêva machte
[p.059] Thâ kêmon tha kâpljvd ånd bâdon hi skolde twintich skêpa jêva
[p.059] ånd hja wildon him alsa fêlo ljvda to rojar jêva as-er jêrde
[p.061] tha wandeldon hjara kâpljuda skêne kâpre wêpne
[p.065] that er mith al sinum ljudum vpper Flyburch of gvng
[p.066] Men thrvch sin skelta bi nacht ånd svme sinra ljudum
[p.066] Dahwile al hira ljuda ståk ånd stif fon skrik standon
[p.066] Jon burch hin selva mith sin ljud vppa sina flâte
[p.066] Sin ljud ånd fêlo fon vs folk namon wif ånd bern skêp
[p.067] that mån hin ånd sin ljud lik misdêdar strafja wilde
[p.071] Men thâ klokeste hjarar ljuda kvmath helpa
[p.071] As hju thêran to stemad hêde, frêjath tha ljuda
[p.073] As Sêkrops sach that er mith sinum ljuda vsa wal navt biranna ne kv
[p.085] Thach gvngon sina ljuda drist wêi vppera burch to runnande
[p.088] Ljudgêrt, tham kêning thêr hêmesdêga fallen is
[p.089] sâ wrochten hja mistryvwa bitwiska tham ånd sinum ljudum
[p.097] Thêr kêmon thrê Fonysjar skipljuda thêr hja wrêvela wilde
[p.113] To Ljudwardja bin ik to Asga kêren
[p.113] Ljudwardja is en ny thorp, binna thene ringdik fon thêr burch Ljudgarda
[p.116] Ik kêm mith en fâm to thêre burch Ljudgârda
[p.116] Thêr tha Ljudgârde wêst hêde, was sê
[p.119] Fryso reste mith sinâ ljudum to Stavere
[p.120] Wichhirte gvng mith sinum ljudum astward nêi there Êmude
[p.120] Ljudgêrt thene skolte bi nachte fon Wichhirte
[p.122] Thrvch help vsar timberljud hêder thêr of skêpa mâkad
[p.128] Tha wi by tha alda hâve kêmon gvnger mith sina drista ljudum to
[p.131] Sont komath tha gode Northljud vâken to Texland vmb there Moder-is rêd
[p.137] lêrd-i an tha ljuda thåt hja nêne rika ner prestera tolêta moston
[p.139] thessa byldon jâvon hja antha vnårg thånkanda ljuda
[p.142] an hjara ljuda ånd slâvona tha bithjutnesse lêra
[p.143] ho tha Linda-wrda ånd tha Ljudgârdne vrdilgen send
[p.143] tha northlikka Ljudgârdne send thrvch thene salta sê bidelven
[p.143] Thêrvmbe is thåt ronddêl nw Ljvdwerd hêten.
[p.143] Tha stjurar segath Ljvwrd, men thåt is wansprêke.
[p.144] Friso thêr al weldich wêre thrvch sin ljud
[p.145] thâ wildon tha ljud fon alle wrda êne ôthere Moder kjasa
[p.149] men wi n-åvath nêne ambachtisljud ner bvwark
[p.150] mith burchwêpne, wod, hirbaken stên, timberljud, mirtselêra ånd smêda
[p.153] skipmâkar, smêda, sylmâkar, rêpmâkar ånd to fâra alle ôra ambachtisljud
[p.157] Dâna tâgon hju in over Stâverens wrde by hjara ljuda rond
[p.157] hja skoldon inna Minna mônath lichta ljuda to him senda
[p.159] thåt avbêr sêjed is thrvch goda ljuda by helle dêi
[p.159] thêr sêjed send thrvch bosa ljuda in-t forborgne
[p.160] Alle send slâvona wrden, tha ljuda fon hjara hêra
[p.163] skrêvin thrvch Ljudgêrth thene Gêrtmån
[p.163] welka ljuda mank thêr an stilnise by malkorum kvma
[p.164] Mâr tha prestera (...) lêton thi ljuda vpspêra ånd vrbarna
[p.166] Kvmat thêr fêrhêmande kâpljud vmb kêren to kâpjande
[p.166] Buta ånd bihalva thet tha ljuda thêr fül fon hjara forsta lyda
[p.168] Jow Ljudgêrt
[p.168] ther sina ljuda nimmerthe skolde... (pages missing)
[p.206] Middel in-t Krylwald biasten Ljvwerde lêith vsa fly jeftha wêra
- - - - - -
appendix 3 ~ HÊR: LORD (NL: HEER)
(I suppose this meaning of the word is derived from the combinations with -man and -toga.)
hêr [p.63]
~ (plur.) hêra [p.34,39,51,97,149,160,190,203]
[p.034] Tha hêra gvngon wêi
[p.039] Thach thåt folk was nên frydom wenth ånd tha hêra bilêvon welda nêi that ir god thochte.
[p.051] Tha prestera send tha engosta hêra, hja hêton hjara selva Mâgjara
[p.063] Thene hvnd sêide hju wâkt ovir sin hêr ånd ovira kidda
[p.097] Tha fêrhêmanda hêra kêmon hjara thjud askja.
[p.149] Midlar hwila hja thus kålta, kêmon mina bodon mitha Sêlândar hêra et sina hove.
[p.160] Alle send slâvona wrden, tha ljuda fon hjara hêra, fon nyd, bosa lusta ånd bigyrlikhêd.
[p.190] Forth namon hja alsa fêlo wiva, as-ra luste, ånd tha lithiga forsta ånd hêra dêdon al-ên.
[p.203] alsa skilun tha vrlandaska hêra hjara bern misbruka ånd frytra lêta
(Dutch) heer = (German + Swedish) Herr = (English) lord
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